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The Wing Works vest is out of stock until at least the end of October so I'm looking for a recommendation for another vest? Must have straps and the lighter the better.
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I'm very happy with my Filson strap vest. The bellows pockets, which I never snap shut, do not drop shells when I bend over to pick up something off the ground. It is light although the pockets and gamebag are made of tin cloth; there simply is not much to it. I carry my 1.5 liter water bottle and water bowl in the bag and there is still room for pheasants. I run the tongue of the vest belt through the buckle of my pants belt before I buckle the vest and that keeps the vest from being pulled down in the back by the weight of the water and birds.
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I just checked his website and it says they are out of Ballistic vests. I would just give them a call and see what you can work out. The regular cordura vest is very strong fyi.
The Wing Works vest is worth the wait. Be patient and get put on the list. If you email them they will respond and give you updates on when they expect vests to be available. Just keep checking their website, they're pretty good about updating it.
Previous post is correct. You can get them thru the PF website. Might be $20 more but I think the vest is hard to beat and I hate to say it but at this point what the heck is another $20. Vest is pricey but worth it if you are serious. Plus the extra dough goes to a good cause (PF). Friend has one and loves it. Just ordered mine thru PF last week. Anxiously awaiting arrival.
2nd the wait on the WW vest. You will not be sorry.
If you do get something else, you will still likely end up with the WW vest down the road. Save the money.
I agree wait for the WW, they are awesome
im in the same boat i waited to long my understanding is they are out of town hunting and will only check in to ship small stuff, im thinking they are out of cordura but should have that back in by nov. 1st. but the ballistic is still unknown but im guessing it will be back in stock by nov. also i called pheasants forever and they dont stock wing works vests, they oreder them when you oreder off their web site and it takes about 2 weeks for P.F. to get them and then they ship it to you. i really really need a new vest and i know i should wait this out, may just get a 40.00 traditional vest to get me by. im thinking patience will pay off:cheers: THE WINGWORKS VEST IS SWEET!
Sure glad I bought mine a few years ago from PF when they were only about $120. If there is a better strap vest made I'm not aware of it. They are built like a tank. Should last a lifetime. The two large water bottles and the easy load game bag are super.
Does anyone have the Orvis vest? I debated it and ended up with the wing works vest but, there is a part of me that wants one as a lightweight pheasant "field" vest when I don't need to carry water or much else because I'm close to the truck, though it is a pricey solution when I already have a the best one made... a tool for every job
im pondering the bird-n-lite strap vest, i tried one on tonight at sportsmans warehouse and really liked it, their harness system is pretty nice and its light, hmmmm.
ya i had a bucks bag and i got sprayed by a skunk thanks to my darn dog!!! i never did get the awful smell out so i had to pitch it along with all the clothes i wore that day. i had to ride home in the back of my friends truck lol.
I have a wings works vest and it is the best I have ever used, the next thing closest to it is the browning bird n lite. I am a big fan of that vest as well. Go with the bird n lite if you cant get a WW.
The big problem for me with the Bird n Light is that the shell pouch sucks. You bend over and there go your shells. WW really put some thought into it and you don't loose shells even with the top flap tucked in. There is really no comparison between the two. I own them both and wont use my bird n light again.