Upland stamp

quail hound

My upland stamp from last season just came in the mail and I thought some of you, especially you Brittany guys, might enjoy the artwork.:cheers:

Very nice! Does the money from the stamp go to habitat or the raising of birds?
California Rooster

Do pheasants in CA just stand in the open and allow themselves to be pointed? We need some of those guys in MT. :rolleyes:
Do pheasants in CA just stand in the open and allow themselves to be pointed? We need some of those guys in MT. :rolleyes:

Lol must be a scene from a gamebird farm, most of the ones I see are flushing 50yds ahead of the dogs.
I just want to see a bird that large!!lol Nice artwork!! Curious as to why the weird Price? Thanks for sharing Robert.
No clue on the weird price but I'm sure some bureaucrat could tell us.