UPH Logos & Merchandise

ok so now that some things are ready how do we order them maybe that could be a new category on here
Ryan I might have missed it but are you going to have any Orange hats for us?.......Bob
HA HA blue your a funny man Not I have always had a big head it has nothing to do with a pink hat and don't think for 1 minute i will let you wear it when you come to town i'm not the sharing kind
With Ryan giving you that Pink hat JIm. We better see some picture of you wearing it in the field...........Bob
oh yes it will become my favorite hunting hat atleast until my doughter finds it LOL if I get it by christmas then I will wear it at the january gettogether adn I'm sure there will be pictures taken at the event so I will definately be wearing it
Web guy is it going to be possible to get one of those hats before our pheasant opener November 13th?