Trucks loaded.....


New member
and just sippin' coffee waiting for the kids to wake up so i can see them off for their day.

Gonna be hunting north of Hoisington on private ground. Had mixed reports from our farmers, so we'll see. For my usual group (for the past 15+ years) things just didn't work out for this weekend. For the first time in forever, the stars got outta whack and jobs, kids, obligations, etc... all got in the way, so we set a date for January. However, I'm free and did some talking to some other friends a few weeks ago and lined up two newbies. Both are deer hunters and always wanted to give it a shot, but never wanted to jump into a group of regulars. I told them this would be a great opportunity for them, so they jumped at the chance. I find myself even more excited than usual, i think because i get to show off the land, the dog, the scenery, and all that makes this sport great, to someone for the first time. They are giddy and I'm not far behind. Here's to a safe weekend to all. Kick em up, then kick em back.:)
Well, you might as well unpack......the wife needs something you packed cleeeeeaaaaaarrrrrr to the front:) Have a good weekend! Hope your newbies get several firsts!
It's great that you are getting some new guys involved. Have a great time. Good luck and safe hunting to you and everyone getting out there this weekend. Unfortunately, I'm another one of those whose obligations got in the way for this weekend. I'm 44, and this is only the 3rd time I've missed opening weekend since I was 12.
Don't forget the dog water this w/e guys, especially if you're hunting in a part of the state that doesn't have a pond on every section. It's gonna get pretty darn warm for the pups.
I'm heading to Hays right after work today. Funny thing is although I'm packed and ready to go, my wife took the Durango to go see her sister so I'll be the guy rolling south on Hwy 281 in the '99 Caddy with the huge dog crate in the back seat:nutz:. Luckily I can borrow one of the farm pickups when I get there. I can't wait one hour to go!
I'm heading to Hays right after work today. Funny thing is although I'm packed and ready to go, my wife took the Durango to go see her sister so I'll be the guy rolling south on Hwy 281 in the '99 Caddy with the huge dog crate in the back seat:nutz:. Luckily I can borrow one of the farm pickups when I get there. I can't wait one hour to go!

HA! You can bet I'll be looking for the guy driving the Caddy:D That's funny man!
Mud in central KS? My father-in-law would kill for mud. I'd gladly take one for the team if it meant that they got some moisture.

I got down here and they hooked me up with the 3/4 ton ford flatbed with the bale-loader. I feel much manlier (is that even a word?) now.
Thats cool, driving a truck with local plates so they don't know you are non-resident! Good luck and anxious to hear the pheasant reports. Sounded like it was down in most areas.:cheers:
Well, all in all it was a success. Started off rough, with me getting 3 roosters in 3 shots in our second field all within about 20 minutes. I was polite and let them each have a whack on two of them, but their aim might have been altered due to the first time explosion of grass and cackle. But then it evened out, and we ended up with 9 for the day saturday. Saw mostly roosters. Think we saw two hens. All but two of the birds we shot were older birds. One was sickly small. Saw tons of deer. Muley's and whitetail. I had a pretty good inkling it was going to be an alright weekend when we pulled into our yard of our farm, and busted at least 15 cacklers out of the cedar trees and one little doe out of the backyard. We hadn't even unpacked yet. But like I said, all in all, a succes. Yesterday they both were checking their schedules for a january hunt. Heck, I even got one guy so hooked on my GSP with his hunting as well as disposition that he says that's the next dog he's going to get.

Got another story I want some input on but will start a new thread....very interesting situation arose......