

New member
Got the truck all tuned back up from this hunting season..... Lets just say that my print out from the shop is over three pages long from what all they did, plus got new tires.............. So I guess its time to head west again!

See ya,
Good idea. Your going to need that truck tuned to get better gas mileage when gas hits $5/gallon by next year. :D

I hope their predictions are just that..... predictions.:(
Sadly, it will likely be $5/gallon by next year, unless global economic conditions change and demand subsides. Oil prices are pegged to the USD worldwide. As long as China and other nations peg their currency to the USD, the price of crude will continue to rise at a faster clip than inflation.
Mini cooper now makes a 4x4 4 door called a "countryman", looks great but you need to be about 4' 8" tall and hunt with a Paris Hilton purse dog. don't get excited now, I said a purse dog, Paris Hilton was the adjective, describing the purse dog! Put your fantasies back in the closet, besides she's probably a vegetarian!