Active member
'WTH did you do onpoint?
Were you the "winner" ?
Yes I was the winner.
I now own a new unfired Browning Recoilless Single shot Trap gun. I have read up on this gun. A pretty amazing gun, that was priced very high in it's day. Which really lead to it demise. It cost so much to build, that it's over $2,000 price tag back in 1995-1996 was just too high priced for many shooters. The gun kicks like a 22 rim fire. It is adjustable for LOP, drop and the vent rib is adjustable as well. It comes with Invector Plus chokes. I have read that people have shot them for up to 125,000 rounds and had zero troubles with the guns. It was a little more then I wanted to spend on a trap gun but it was new in the box and much more of a dedicated trap gun then most that only have a different butt stock on nothing more then a field gun. Should be able to adjust it to fit well and there for help me shoot better. My pain and fatigue from illness should really deal well with the no recoil of the gun too.