Training Pics

So Beautiful!

Could not find the thread training pics, so starting it again. What have you been up to?






Just beautiful dogs. Blessings of nature and nurture.
oh man! These pictures have me so excited! I've had my pup out on several training days so far with pigeons and chukars and you'd think I would have at least one pic! Unfortunately that's not the case. Too distracted to watch her and think what's happening next to grab the camera.

Her birthday was last week (1 yo!) and I can't wait for the season to get here. (actually I can cuz we still have a ways to go in training) I will DEFINITELY be bringing a camera to our first real day of hunting. Thanks for sharing.
oh man! These pictures have me so excited! I've had my pup out on several training days so far with pigeons and chukars and you'd think I would have at least one pic! Unfortunately that's not the case. Too distracted to watch her and think what's happening next to grab the camera.

Her birthday was last week (1 yo!) and I can't wait for the season to get here. (actually I can cuz we still have a ways to go in training) I will DEFINITELY be bringing a camera to our first real day of hunting. Thanks for sharing.
Take your camera with, concentrate on your dog and get someone else to take your pics. I have found other then the puppy stuff, it can screw up your training if you try to do it your self.:D
Calisdad-Are you out in California with springers? im in Bakersfield. FC Springer was your Fast track dog out of Dolly and Indy? Cause she sure looks like my Fast Tracks Upland Chase. Hopefully the heat lets up here and can get back to serious training. Right now all yard work and in the pool retrieves. I still need the water test for Chases AFC.
Calisdad-Are you out in California with springers? im in Bakersfield. FC Springer was your Fast track dog out of Dolly and Indy? Cause she sure looks like my Fast Tracks Upland Chase. Hopefully the heat lets up here and can get back to serious training. Right now all yard work and in the pool retrieves. I still need the water test for Chases AFC.

Pepper and Buddy for both B & W dogs, they are sisters 2 years apart. You will get your water. I wish I was in your shoes. Both have hit a road block with surgery. I am not going to have her ready for awhile yet again. The other is getting there, but sloppy in areas.I will only go toss away a couple entrys this fall and look toward spring. S%^t happens they say.:D
Yup. Just west of the Hetch Hechy area Springerchaser. Lets see your dogs. :)

FC I saw your dogs pedigree on another site and our dogs are cousins. Hellfire is my dogs grand-dad on the dads side and Parker Sir Roberts on their moms side. Mine are brothers 1 year apart.

My youngest just did a perfect flush and retrieve on his first quail the other day. :10sign: Amazing how much in ingrained. He's getting big tho, 55# at 7 months. :eek:
Yup. Just west of the Hetch Hechy area Springerchaser. Lets see your dogs. :)

FC I saw your dogs pedigree on another site and our dogs are cousins. Hellfire is my dogs grand-dad on the dads side and Parker Sir Roberts on their moms side. Mine are brothers 1 year apart.

My youngest just did a perfect flush and retrieve on his first quail the other day. :10sign: Amazing how much in ingrained. He's getting big tho, 55# at 7 months. :eek:

damn! Mine's almost 13mos, and she's only 27, maybe 28# wet!

FC, those pigeons look alive in both retrieve pics. At what stage do they get to that point? Fillmore's only had a clipped wing pigeon once and she killed that sucker dead right away. Every other birds we've trained on so far have been shot over her, or dead when we tossed 'em. I'd say she's got a pretty soft mouth, but perhaps not?
Take your camera with, concentrate on your dog and get someone else to take your pics. I have found other then the puppy stuff, it can screw up your training if you try to do it your self.:D

Next time I'll take the camera, but you're right. I've been too focused on her to deal with a camera. Can't imagine trying to do both at the same time. My wife wants to come out next session, so maybe she can work the camera. Beginning to realize you need a small army - gunners, me, the photog, and oh yeah, the dog! :D
damn! Mine's almost 13mos, and she's only 27, maybe 28# wet!

FC, those pigeons look alive in both retrieve pics. At what stage do they get to that point? Fillmore's only had a clipped wing pigeon once and she killed that sucker dead right away. Every other birds we've trained on so far have been shot over her, or dead when we tossed 'em. I'd say she's got a pretty soft mouth, but perhaps not?

Well that starts out right at 8 weeks old. It may be some hard mouth or possibly a training thing. No offence. There is puppy training to avoid this. But some dogs will just have that issue. So either you are OK, or you have to take steps to correct it right away young.
Yup. Just west of the Hetch Hechy area Springerchaser. Lets see your dogs. :)

FC I saw your dogs pedigree on another site and our dogs are cousins. Hellfire is my dogs grand-dad on the dads side and Parker Sir Roberts on their moms side. Mine are brothers 1 year apart.

My youngest just did a perfect flush and retrieve on his first quail the other day. :10sign: Amazing how much in ingrained. He's getting big tho, 55# at 7 months. :eek:

Big pup, We would be suprised howw many of us have a relitive in there some where.:thumbsup: Hope they work out for you. I think they will.
Well that starts out right at 8 weeks old. It may be some hard mouth or possibly a training thing. No offence. There is puppy training to avoid this. But some dogs will just have that issue. So either you are OK, or you have to take steps to correct it right away young.

No offense taken. She's my first bird dog, and I live in a condo, so it's an uphill battle all around. No backyard to work in, limited bird exposure, etc... She's progressing alright, but I know there's lots of work yet ahead. She's got a great nose and patterns fairly well. Just been working heavy on handling/obedience and nailing her retrieve. She'll hunt just fine, but I want a bit more out of her than fine. ;) I'll see if i can get her on a few more clipped wing birds to see how she does given another encounter.

Bodie's session this morning. He actually tracked a bird that walked away from its plant. Not too shabby for a 7 month old. :)
I'll have to post a pic from our recent session.
I also think I have a new way for tracking training... spray some scent on some bike tires and ride through the field :p A bike rode by us on our walk the other day, and Fillmore dropped her nose to the ground and followed the trail for a good 25 yards before I finally called her off. For a second I thought she was part hound!