

New member
I'm heading back out to chase Mr. Ringneck tomorrow and was thinking about hunting some WIA around Brush, CO. Anybody have any suggestions or ideas? I'm still trying to get me and my 8 mos. English Setters first wild ringneck! Anybody want to join? Thanks for any help ahead of time!:thumbsup:
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I'm heading back out to chase Mr. Ringneck tomorrow and was thinking about hunting some WIA around Brush, CO. Anybody have any suggestions or ideas? I'm still trying to get me and my 8 mos. English Setters first wild ringneck! Anybody want to join? Thanks for any help ahead of time!:thumbsup:

Call my boss get him to let me off work and we can go.:D That is an idea.
Lol..... Next time I think i'll take your advice and call your boss for you! It was a good trip trip! :cheers: the pup and I had a great day!
There USED to be birds in the area..

I remember my father telling stories about the there birds when he was younger... The family lived on the south outskirts of town...

I go back every year and hit some of the spots to this day.. Always come back with a couple, but it is a lot of work... They are scattered about and thanks to my GSP, she seems to find Mr. Rooooooooster....

I found some birds West of town in a few of the WIA's, but it's spotty and you and the dog have to work hard for them. When you find them they all come up at once, and its a lot of fun, well worth the work. I seen a lot more birds in the Holyoke area, but that was the opener.

I don't have pictures of my success, I'll have to work on that, I ussually field dress my birds right after I get them, leaving their boots and spurs on of course and bagging them and the remains. But here's some pictures of my 8 mos. old setter on point just before the shooting started the other day! :thumbsup:
Yes, I full out agree! I love pheasant hunting, but without a dog I would have gave up a long time ago!!! I love watching a dog that was bred to hint do his thing, and mine is!! He's having a great time and love watching his growth each time! It's only getting better! I'm so proud of him!! :10sign:
Nice, it's good to hear the birds were holding for you. I find that watching the dog work makes the whole day a lot more exciting and suspenseful. All those times the dog gets excited but you never see a bird... it keeps you optimistic. That said, I've had plenty of good days just walking on my own before I got the dog. Just good to be out there. :cheers: