So I have been hunting in MT for about 12 years. I usually hunt Sept 1 for sharptails and Huns and sometimes stay through to pheasant season Pheasant season has always had lots of hunters but in early sept for sharpies there were never many hunters. In the first years of hunting MT I would rarely run into another hunter however this year was packed with hunters with public spots being hit over and over again. Some of the spots I have used for years that I would be the only one signing in had gone through a book of sign in slips the first week. Facebook was full of people posting all the details of MT hunting with loads of people posting pictures with there limits of birds. One guy does and internet show showing the sign in box and telling the area he hunts and showing his limit everyday. I know this is the goal of the state to get all these hunters but I think they should lower the limit 4 sharps a day is to many if you are going to have that many hunters and 3 roosters a day might also be to much. I have contacted fish and game about lowering the limit to 2 sharps a day but got no response. I wonder what others think? I hate to see MT turn into SD.