I understand. In Oklahoma from 13-15 quail pop were on the rise. 16 quail were everywhere it was like the old days. A public spot I hunt was covered with quail. Hunters poured in. I met people from all over. I talked to 2 guys on a Sunday who drove up from Dallas, over 4 hours one way just for the day and had no dogs. Just heard quail were everywhere. There was a big stock tank at one of the entrances everyone used to rinse birds after cleaning. Feathers and wings covered the ground around it. I’ve hunted Montana the last 2 years, first year I felt like I had every spot to myself. Last year some spots were pretty busy but I could find spots to hunt with no pressure. I’m not a fan of big groups I hunt mostly by myself with one dog. I keep hearing there’s fewer and fewer hunters. But when a spot gets hot it can get crazy.