Tick counter measures for hunters

kick them up

Active member
Well this warm winter the insect population will heavy. With that in mind I thought I would post this recipe for homemade Permethrin Spray for your gear and clothes ONLY! This is not to be used on your skin or dogs. This is the same product as the Sawyer Product but much cheaper. I turkey hunt ALOT and can say this formula works great. I have had one tick on me in 3 years:thumbsup:

1oz of 10% permethrin ( found at farm and garden centers)
15 oz of H2O ( water)

Mix in a spray bottle then spray clothes/ boots/ gear. Let them air dry and you are good to go. One application is good for about 2 weeks and you can wash your clothes too:)

Good Luck

Kick them up!
I was in ther service about 6 years ago and before I left the supply sergeant gave me a case of permethrin that we used on our DCU's in Iraq for sand fleas and other insects. He told me to spray it on my turkey clothes to keep the ticks off so I did. Now every year about this time I get out a can and treat my cammo again. I have not had a tick on me from hunting in quite some time. I think this stuff works great.
Having plucked as many as five ticks off me after a morning of turkey hunting, this is great information. Has anyone been able to keep ticks off with DEET-based insect repellent?
Having plucked as many as five ticks off me after a morning of turkey hunting, this is great information. Has anyone been able to keep ticks off with DEET-based insect repellent?

I use ultrathon on my exposed skin..it seems to work good.

FYI...permethrin cost about $8.00 for 8 oz bottle. Sawyer cost 14.99 for one 24oz RTU bottle.

figured the money I save on tick spray will just go in the gas tank:mad:

May turkey hunt out of the wifes toyota:D
Having plucked as many as five ticks off me after a morning of turkey hunting, this is great information. Has anyone been able to keep ticks off with DEET-based insect repellent?

A whole 5 ticks?

Get back with us when your legs are covered, they look like they're moving due to the number of ticks crawling up your legs.

:) (joking, not being mean)
Grouse opener last year in MN my brother in law and I started pulling ticks off us and the dogs on the drive home. We quit counting at 200. I would guess that was a little over half of them.