Well that was an interesting one! 5:30 am and the thermometer read 64... Ouch. I literally shed a layer (undershirt) before I got in the truck. Hunted public - walked a bout 10 minutes before we hit birds. They were flushing wild and way ahead of us. Thought to myself at that point, "at least we saw some pheasants today". Then something strange happened we started getting a few birds to hold. By 8 we had 6 in the bag and a 7th I rocked hard twice but did not go down. We watered the dogs up took a break and were back in the field looking for the injured seventh bird at 8:15. By 8:45 the wind really started to howl and it became obvious the day was over.
I am amazed we got six birds in those conditions. Sunday ought to be better.
I am amazed we got six birds in those conditions. Sunday ought to be better.