The Times, They Are A Changin


New member
My wife hastily snapped a quick-shot of this 6x7 this evening off our back deck during a cookout for my son's birthday (I cropped it a bit to help show him off a little more up close & make it fit within the jpeg boundaries on this site - too bad he was not a little closer & I did not have my good camera w/telephoto handy). I stopped counting at 88 all the cows, calves, a handful of spike & rag bulls, + two Big Bad boys like this standing together in mine & my neighbors backyard!

They ain't quite ready yet, but I did manage to get a weak bugle + a couple belly-growls & a few chuckles out of him...Good things are comin right around the corner boys! :thumbsup:
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Dang Nice.
Even better having that in your back yard:thumbsup:
@Goldeneye - Yeah, we call the backyard ones here in the suburban foothills near Denver 'THE UNTOUCHABLES'! I never see this kind of numbers or very many bulls of this caliber when I'm out chasin 'em thru the backcountry every fall (LOL)...Sure is a pretty sight to see though & I do get to practice up my elk calling a lot!!! You should see how I get 'em riled up in the neighborhood sometimes around mid-Sept... :D
He is sure a fine fat specimen. :cool:
Wow! Looks nice. I am heading up to the back county in the Gunnison basin later in september to fly fish with the old man. I look forward to hearing the bulls.
That is one big elk, Thanks for sharing.............Bob
@Goldeneye - Yeah, we call the backyard ones here in the suburban foothills near Denver 'THE UNTOUCHABLES'! I never see this kind of numbers or very many bulls of this caliber when I'm out chasin 'em thru the backcountry every fall (LOL)...Sure is a pretty sight to see though & I do get to practice up my elk calling a lot!!! You should see how I get 'em riled up in the neighborhood sometimes around mid-Sept... :D

Hhr. lol UNTOUCHABLES! Yup and isn't if funny, that the elk seem to know it.:D cool pic thank for sharing
Bulls around here are startin to pitch a little vocal hissy-fit...heard some horn clangin in the dark last nite too!

Church this morning, lunch & the last half of TEBOW NATION with the fam, & after that it's off later this afternoon with my older son for a couple days of mulie chasin on Mon & Tues with a smokepole...No elk tag this year, and two measly days is all either of us can swing out of a 10 day deer tag due to work & other issues - but hey who's complainin, ANY day stole away out in the woods, water & meadows is a good one!!! :)
Good luck Roger!!!!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Thx Chad!

NO DICE on add'l venison for the freezer (daytime was way too hot for any deer movement at all & we finally caught up with the deer at or above timberline, but just in time to have to leave)... :) :(

But WOW - a sweet nip in the air evenings/night & mornings, quakies in full flame with dark-green timber for contrast & a carpet of late-summer leftover wildflowers laced in, then standing on the rooftop of the world quietly glassing everything for miles in every direction with nothing but thoughts for company - what's to be all that bummed out about! Good & much needed soul medicine indeed!!! :thumbsup:

If I do somehow manage to get blessed with one more day afield this coming wknd - think I'll spend it out on the eastern plains at a teal hole early in the morning & hopefully a hot afternoon dove shoot - instead of attempting magic with one day left on my muzzleloader tag! :cheers:
Ahh Yeah, It's On Now Boys!!!

Woke up this morning to a crack-of-dawn natural alarm clock BUGLING and bellowing his fool head off right outside my window & several more whistling right back from the surrounding hillsides, with all manner of cow & calf chirping thrown in for good measure...Ahh Good Morning Denver Foothills, I Love Ya! :10sign:

One more day of Indian Summer around here & about a 20 degree cool-change coming in...Missed out on the short CO teal season for big game again as usual, not sure about the remainder of dove season & got missions trips to Africa & India be4 wild rooster time, but it won't be long now!!! :thumbsup:
I know this is a whole nuther thread but
Is it possible for an out of state guy to hunt elk in your area with a reasonable chance at success?

Im looking to branch out in the coming years
i took hunters ed this year just so i can go Elk hunting some year. at least i passed and the kids in the class didn't pick on too bad. great pic

No one would believe me unless you were here to see & hear it with your own eyes & ears, but I've been listening to what must be every bull on this mountaintop for 5-6 hrs straight tonite...We've had 8-10 bulls going at it nonstop anywhere from 20 yds away out to a couple hundred...Started monkeying with 'em while grilling out on the back deck during New Orleans/San Fran MNF-halftime, then my son & I were playin with em' for awhile under the full moon from the hot tub, calling + I jumped out a couple times & thrashed a tree real good with the old broomstick...WOW, had 'em running all around the house looking for us - got two of 'em into a big ol' fight just 30-40 yds in front of us (sounded like cars crashing) - I have never heard so many bulls screaming point-blank at the top of their lungs all at one time in my life!!! :eek:

My son recorded some of the audio off the back deck in the dark on his cell phone & loaded it onto my computer, but so far I can't find a way to upload it onto the UPH site (the newfangled format is not readable/compatible)...He says he'll put it on youtube & I can post a link from there.

@UplandHntr - Nah, nobody can hunt these unless you happen to have a rare sizeable chunk of private land sandwiched in between all the semi-suburban Denverite-greenies or know someone who does that will allow hunting (I'm slowly workin on it, but bowhunting or shotgun/muzzleloader is about it safety-wise - NO RIFLES) - that's why we call them 'The UNTOUCHABLES'!!! They sure are a hoot to have so close around the house though! :thumbsup:

Lest anybody still think I'm exaggerating, check out the attached pic of a daytime herd of cows & calves in my backyard a few weeks ago. ;)
Yeah, too bad we can't take a crack at these city boys. You said it just right; you never run into these big boys during hunting season. I'm headed out third season this year. It will cause me to miss opening weekend of pheasants, but i'll survive. It's too crowded out east opening weekend anyhow.