The Hatch Doesn't Matter.

Good stuff RK, I think you are ON TRACK. I saw a North Dakota DNC mix that I like and I think would offer some WC value as well. Mix is: Intermediate Wheatgrass, Tall wheatgrass, Sweet Clover and Alfalfa.

As far as healthy hens going into spring you need some woody cover and the food clover plots like milo are essential.
I like native grasses.

Sweet Clover is considered invasive. Alfalfa introduced perennial.

I sure like both in a CRP field.:thumbsup:
The avg. brood size is typically around six, that is only taking into account a successful nesting. The percentage of nests that survive to become broods is significantly increased by better nesting cover, hence large undisturbed blocks equal more nests surviving, more broods, and more pheasants in the fall.