the blackcloud returns


New member
boy life has been awfully quit lately. hadn't a blackcloud moment for weeks. that all changed today:eek: went to mayo clinic for a ceribral angiogram today. should be my final one after a blood vessel was repaired and radiated in my brain 3 years ago. capt coot says brain surgery for me is a minor procedure. not alot up there to work with. then he wants my cabelas points if some thing happens,. arrive at 6 am all is well. they take me to room to wait. soon i am sent off to the neurosurgery dept. then the cloud strikes!!!!! they tell me there will be a delay. one off the x-ray machines just broke down. the wait should only be 15 minutes. no problem i'm not going any where. soon after that they have a problem in the nearby room. the words anyerism,ressesitation, and last rights are mentioned. 45 minutes have gone by then they tell me a second x-ray machine quit working also. more waiting. i'm beging to wonder if i should bail out. then a lady comes in to visit nurses. they talk about her new job in the organ donor dept :eek:wow what a place. ( she was there for a friendly chat nothing to do with me or other patients) after 2 hours they finally take me into operating room. the blackcloud thickens!!!! nurse takes me to bathroom and i nearly trip over my iv hose. my cat like reflexs saved the day. now i am on the operating table. the iv bag holder is broke. the adjustment knob is stuck. they get out the tool box grab a pliers and fix it holy crap what next!!!!!!! i told them about my nick name and some history about it. they laugh and say nothing else will happen. ohhhh little do they know of the power of the cloud. i get thru the first 3 of 4 brain test then the doctor says i cant believe this just happened!!!!!!! that scares the sh!t out of me!!! the cathater in my femeral artery broke!!! i'm leaking. him and his resident that he is training get things under control. they decide to pull the cath out and re cath the artery with a new one. the doctor tells nurse to save the broke one and send it back to the manufactor. he says he has never seen one break before. then they have to fish the wire thru my chest and neck again to get to my brain. man does it burn like hell when they inject dye in your brain. i can see what they are doing on the monitor. kind of creepy looking at that. i have to be awake so they can test my motor skills after each test. finally they are done. they apply pressure to my groin for 20 minutes to stop bleeding. when they release pressure to see if it has stopped i sprung a leak. more excitement and another 20 minutes of groin pressure. this time it worked. i get sent to recovery room and get to see my wife. i have been lying on my back which i hate for several hours and now i am told i cant move for 2 more hours. guy i room with me had a testicle removed and had so much swelling he couldnt pee. all the talk about peeing gives me the urge to pee. enough talk about that problem. we get it taken care of. i'm lying still in bed and leg starts to hurt. nurse is called. she checks me and i have a hard spot in my thigh. i'm leaking again. immediate pressure is applied and she hits an emergency button for more help 5 nurses come running in. they get it under control. now i have to lie still for another 1 1/2 hours with a sand bag on my groin to keep pressure on it. i finally got discharged at 5 pm. i will get results tommorow. i hope the cloud has left and all goes well. it would truelly suck if capt coot gets my cabela points.:p
My pryers are with ya Sir, hope all goes well.
Best of luck too you. The old saying "when it rains it pours" seems to be the theme of the day for you my friend. It's hard not to count up all the "black-cloud" experiences on such days like that. Ridiculous and almost comical isn't it?

Do your best to keep you head up and look forward. After each push, shove, smack, and sucker punch, pick yourself back up and keep moving. :)

Utter torment is what such days are. It's frustrating as hell. If you ask me, it's days like that which come straight from hell and at times can go on for weeks, months, and even years at a time (God forbid!!!).

Keep looking up and ask those near to you for their prayers. It helps;)

slept great last night. what a day yesterday. makes for a great story. nurses will have a lot to talk about. i dont take life very serious it is to short to get worked up about small problems. thank god for dogs. clyde could tell right away that i was feeling down and wouldnt leave my side in our favorite chair.
That's being put through the ringer.:eek:
Your going to be billed for all the broke stuff and extra staff you required.:)

hope all is well with you .:cheers:
Prayers sent your way, BC. And folks say that guns are dangerous . . .
You ain't dead yet:mad: I want them cabelas points:mad: Why is it when the doc checks my brain he just knocks on my head:mad: And everyone in the room has that look of utter amazment:mad: Dog just sat by you waiting for you to die so he could eat you:p And heck no I'm not going to wish you to get better. You took my moo cow when I was little:mad:
thanks for the morning yucks cloud. Sitting here at the lodge drinking coffee and reading your post. What an adventure. I'm sure mayo has never seen anything like the cloud.

I just unloaded my .22 at a coon running across yard. Pretty good at getting it uncased, scope covers off and chambering a round. You should have heard the commotion from all the ducks and geese squaking when the gun went off. I don't think I touched a hair though.

Glad you are feeling better. Off to spray fencelines. things are about a month ahead out here.
WoW Blackcloud,

I hate going to the doctor, Because my luck with them, runs like yours. I'm glade your still around, and recovering from your escapade with your health care pro's.:)
damn i'm still sore. after being cathed in femeral artery twice and having pressure applied 3 times and sandbagged i feel like i was kicked by a mule.
Glad your back and hope all stays well...give me the Cabela points just to piss off your boy Coot...:p
hey I'm sending you a frozen Jack Rabbit, I want you cabelis points. sorry Coot but dam. LOL ROLOL :laugh::laugh::D
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i got great news today!!! the radiation 3 years ago has killed the arterial veinous malformatiion in my brain. none of the nearby tissue was damaged either.:10sign: the vein that they glued shut has held together and is not leaking. guess i'm playing with a full deck. wish i could say the same about little brother capt cootie. NO CABELA POINTS FOR YOU COOTIE:p they still cant explain the powers of the cloud:rolleyes:
Great news Cloud and congrats! I have a hunting buddy that is going through some similar issues and your good news gives me hope for him.
It burns because you actually have a brain! :D Pity the folks who have none.
Excellent news, BC!
:cheers: To 2012


Pleeeease don't make me call you sunshine!
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Would you die already BC. What you got nine lives or something:D Just a minor setback in getting them cabelas points. He's been fishing and I know the kind of luck he has with boats:D I'd send him a roiten jack rabbit Jmac:)
coot you can kiss my butt. thats about the only thing the doctors havent had to fix. i would take my boat out but there are too many coot on the lake. after last years carnage at cyrstal lake with my truck i would hate to take out a flock with my boat.