That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

When I saw the hen hit the line in iowa, if I would have found the bird I woulda called the warden and asked direction. In MN the wardens numbers are not public, they just have a 1 800 office number that is never picked up, voicemail only. I do have the wardens cell number in an area I commonly hunt in MN so if in his counties I would call him. If in doubt, leave it for Davy Jones.
If you had not witnessed the high line death, would it still have happened? Every day it does somewhere and the warden doesn’t care how, just not you in possession. Remember, the dog ate my homework.
I’ve been told by fish and game here in Colorado that to have a wild hen in possession for any reason is a citable offense.
As someone else already said, I don't know NDPheasant personally to know how honest he is, but the fact that he has a vizsla in his profile pic makes me partial to him from the start... Unless you two had a standing wager or agreement that for every accidental hen one shoots, he owes the other x$, no payment necessary in my book. Accidents happen. Doesn't mean he isn't due some good natured harassment if he did shoot it by accident, though.

Also, maybe I am out of line or ignorant of the possible consequences here, but if I were to witness a hen strike a powerline and kill itself I don't think I'd just leave it laying there to rot. They eat too. If I were to get stopped by a warden, it would be simple to prove or disprove the cause of death by performing a necropsy (don't mean to nitpick, but this is the proper term for a post mortem analysis to determine the COD). Am I in the wrong here? Would a warden ticket you for having a hen in your possession if you did not shoot it?
You would not be ticketed for shooting a hen.
Correct. But you could get cited for having it in possession.

That being said, if you are shooting hens, you should not be bird hunting.
Wait, who says you can't be ticketed for shooting a hen? If that is the truth lots of people would shoot them for the sport and just leave them lay. I am sure if a CO saw you shoot a hen he could give you a citation. Under that rationale if I shoot 5 roosters but only have three in my possession and leave the other out in the field I would be okay? I don't think so.