Thanksgiving Day

Since I won't "see" you guys tomorrow....HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

I'm thankful to live in a country where I'm free to take my shotgun to the plains and chase birds with my dogs all day and shoot as many shells as I want or need to in the process:cheers: I'm also thankful for the friends and family I'll share it with.

I'll be heading out to C KS about 4:30am. Hoping to find some WIHA that hasn't been hammered to severely and scratch down a rooster or 2. If you see the white Ford w/ a grill guard and hood scoop, w/ black stripes on it, wave at the least and stop if you have time.

I'll be sure to come back and post a report in this thread Friday.
Yes Sir

Yes Sir you said it. I am thankful for family,Good Dogs & friends...Bow Hunting in Valley Falls tomorrow and heading to Abilene for a day hunt Saturday for birds. Drive safe everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!:cheers:
I'm going to try and sneak out sometime this weekend! WIHA's will be included with a mix of private. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!!
Happy Thanksgiving Gentlemen, Good luck hunting!! It is COLD as crap here!!! If the howling wind would stop, it would be bearable!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:
Dido to all,:cheers: I will be headed to IA for one last field trial. One dog on all cylinders, and one with a broken toe listed as ?able for the game, just like Favre.:D Hmm 2 years in a row possibly scratching her for a foot injury, maybe time to consider just hunting in the fall instead of both. Seems to be related to trial training every dang time. Merry Christmas to the vet again I guess.:rolleyes:
Let us know how you did as soon as you get a chance!!! Tell your cuz I said hey. Now I'm off to that four letter word called w-o-r-k!
A great morning!

Left the house at 4:30 yesterday morning hoping to shoot a couple of roosters and get back home for Thanksgiving dinner. A good friend, my cousin, and son (no gun) and 4 dogs made up the crew. Had 3 good points by 3 different dogs, harvested those 3 birds and enjoyed 3 good retrieves by the dog that pointed each. The 4th dog followed a couple of runners that eventually flushed out of gun range (didn't feel like jogging to keep up).

Had a 4th rooster flush wild, though well within gun range and chose not to shoot him b/c the dogs hadn't pointed him.......I think this will be my SOP from now on. Taking him wouldn't have made the day a bit better. I'd rather harvest 1 bird over a dog pt. w/ a good retrieve than harvest 4 that flushed wild. The majority of birds were setting very tight for the first 2hrs of daylight, then they started running. I didn't care, I had seen and felt what I came for this day.

Oh, there were 4 or 5 more roosters that flushed within range of my companions though none were harmed:). We also flushed 2 coveys of quail, but one had 8 birds and the other maybe 13. I told the guys to go ahead and take shots at a couple of the pointed birds from the 2nd covey, but again, no birds were harmed. I never drew a bead on any quail.

I have pics and will post them once they've been uploaded.

Very nice!

Left the house at 4:30 yesterday morning hoping to shoot a couple of roosters and get back home for Thanksgiving dinner. A good friend, my cousin, and son (no gun) and 4 dogs made up the crew. Had 3 good points by 3 different dogs, harvested those 3 birds and enjoyed 3 good retrieves by the dog that pointed each. The 4th dog followed a couple of runners that eventually flushed out of gun range (didn't feel like jogging to keep up).

Had a 4th rooster flush wild, though well within gun range and chose not to shoot him b/c the dogs hadn't pointed him.......I think this will be my SOP from now on. Taking him wouldn't have made the day a bit better. I'd rather harvest 1 bird over a dog pt. w/ a good retrieve than harvest 4 that flushed wild. The majority of birds were setting very tight for the first 2hrs of daylight, then they started running. I didn't care, I had seen and felt what I came for this day.

Oh, there were 4 or 5 more roosters that flushed within range of my companions though none were harmed:). We also flushed 2 coveys of quail, but one had 8 birds and the other maybe 13. I told the guys to go ahead and take shots at a couple of the pointed birds from the 2nd covey, but again, no birds were harmed. I never drew a bead on any quail.

I have pics and will post them once they've been uploaded.