

Well I was gona snap more photos at the trials down in texas but all I got before I left was some shots of the local croud control. I guess these things are worth some over a hundred grand the guy told me. It amazed me how mellow they were you can walk right up to em. But I wouldn't want to owe him money. Believe it or not the trial was in the same area, these guys were every where. Heres one of only a couple I took next time I'll get the dogs.
I have seen those things alive and Yes those horns can get very big. I'd hate to get one mad at me.---Bob
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I have only encountered some prairie racers in my many years of hunting in the panhandle. We generally have a freeze or two before quail season starts and definitely before pheasant season. I do have my GSP's vaccinated with the rattlesnake shot just in case. I've never had a snake problem but it can and has happened. I'm sure central and south Texas is different due to climate differences. Back to the subject of prairie racers, if you have not seen one, they are weird. They will stand verticle and watch you move through. We actually thought we had one following us but it turned out to be a cougar and what we thought was a racer was the cougar's tail. He was tracking us...a couple of rounds from a 12 gauge moved him along rather quickly. You never know what you can find in TX!