When I hunted in Florida the natives claimed they only hunted $100.00 dogs, because the danger of pointing a big sized rattler in the palmento.I find that pretty heartless, but I think it was gallows humors and a little bit realism.. I have hunted a group of very level headed English setters across the west, Sage Grouse and sharptails in September, countless rattlesnake and porcupine encounters, times where the buzzing was everywhere because snakes are moving to den! Sometimes I seen the dog jump over and keep going on, small rattler in the trail. No incidences, I do not shoot, make a fuss, become un-duly excited, hunt them down, all which are designed to increase the possibility of a conflict. They have value, I don't shoot rabbits either, and neither of us have been gored by a killer rabbit. It's part of what makes the "wild", the "wild"! There are possibility that the next adventure might be the first where snake bite, a quilling event, or a killer rabbit attack, might be due. I used to carry Hydro-delta-cort. but I abandoned that many years ago. I would take a sensible dog and hunt anywhere, it's a slight risk, but hunting trips are to few, and I think that the dog deserves it, as do I. I will say in Jmac's defense, those $100 dog guys, they wore knee boots of 10 ounce bullhide, They don't walk in them, at least not far. Maybe they aren't as reliable as the dogs!