Surprise Rooster Sightings


My wife saw a rooster on 24 highway close to Perry this evening in Jefferson County. Once upon a time pheasants were pretty good in North Jeff county and it's not unusual to see a bird around here and there but I've never seen one that far south. I wish I didn't get so excited every time I saw a bird but I still do. Like a kid in a candy store.
I have seen them a time or two on 24 on the way to topeka, but they are rare. I have seen a few in Leavenworth county over the years but I suspect they were escapees from someones training
My wife works for jefferson county and sees them all the time in her travels all throughout the county. Looking forward to some late season hunts up there.
Was just outside of Hesston today on a gravel road right at sunset. Saw 1 rooster on the edge of a milo field, and a quarter of a mile up from that had another rooster sail across the road and land in a soy bean field for a good night's rest. I couldn't wait and had to call the guys I hunt with in Arkansas. Got me fired up about the season, just seeing the beauty of that bird in flight. My wife thought I was over reacting.
I sat and watched a rooster crow in a plowed under field on Perry Lake a few years ago after a turkey hunt. It was super neat to say the least :thumbsup:
Here Exactly

I know exactly the spot. Last year with some snow on the ground we kicked up a number of pheasants right there, all hens but it was still encouraging. I'm afraid the flooding probably ruined it for a couple of years but we'll find out soon enough.