Sun setting on another season and a career for Breez


Well-known member
Breez was diagnosed with incurable cancer at the start of the season. I've been able to give her a farewell tour hunting small patches relatively successfully. Today the sun is setting o not only the season, but her stellar career as a bird dog/ family pet. She's is showing no signs of the cancer taking a toll, other than the lumps and bumps keep growing, and im sensing something going on with her kidneys/bladder. She's got a wellness checkup scheduled. We'll see how that goes. Lots of truck rides are in store for her as long as shes able. Im good with things as they are now. Shes been a fantastic hunting partner. 20141023_162816.jpg2013-01-07_14_51_44.jpg2012-01-15_20_08_5032.jpgDSCN0044.jpeg.jpgDSCN0026.jpeg.jpg


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Sorry to hear about Breez, Reddog. Thanks for sharing some of your pictures as well as her most recent hunt. I hope her wellness check goes goes as you hope.
Oh brother, you got to do it right. Lost my GSP this past summer, was thinking I had one more all-star season tour left. When he got a similar diagnosis, it was less that a week until his last truck ride, it might have been the hardest day of my adult life. I am sure I will never have a bond like I had with that dog again. If I get 13 years from this new one, I am pretty sure any new one at that point will not be a puppy! Tough days ahead, but I guess all dog-owners signed up for that the day we brought that little bugger home.
Like remy said, "you got to do it right". I have been fortunate to be able to have that special "last hunt" with a couple of my dogs. Memories I'll never forget. Take care of Breez and give her an ear scratch from all of us.
My empathy and sympathy Reddog.

That couch picture makes me think that there should be a section in dog competions: "Couch Lounging."

Breeze would provide some tough competition.
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Glad you were able to spend time afield this season with your companion, Reddog. As your photos show, Breez is stunning!
It’s awesome that you’ve honored her in both word and deed. I’ve been reading the book “Empty Collars” and it is stories just like yours celebrating bird dogs and their lasting impacts on our lives. I know you’ll give her the best retirement and sunset she’s earned.

You GOTTA read "Run, Rainey, Run." , by Mel Ellis. Out of print, but available from some used book sellers.

Great true stories of a GSP and an outdoor writer/editor (Ellis was with the Milwaukee Journal and a Field Editor for Sports Afield), and their adventures with upland game and ducks, and other dogs, and life.

It will come to mean something to you.
Well, yesterday was the day! :( I must admit, Breez gave a valiant fight. I just spent an hour reading threads on here ( Breez search) that took me back thru so many of our adventures together. Some day, I'm going to copy a bunch of the posts and build a short book.

Breez was a great dog and will be missed !

Looking forward to a new puppy when I get this dang house built!

Breez will be visiting some of our special memory places as she rides along on her final hunting trip this fall.

RIP Breezer!
Well, yesterday was the day! :( I must admit, Breez gave a valiant fight. I just spent an hour reading threads on here ( Breez search) that took me back thru so many of our adventures together. Some day, I'm going to copy a bunch of the posts and build a short book.

Breez was a great dog and will be missed !

Looking forward to a new puppy when I get this dang house built!

Breez will be visiting some of our special memory places as she rides along on her final hunting trip this fall.

RIP Breezer!

Tough day for sure. Sounds like she could have done a lot worse than having you as an owner. Take care
RIP Breez. I got my first pup less than a year ago, and I'm already dreading the day when she's gone. Hang in there and enjoy the memories!