Springer catch dog?

quail hound

So I was hunting in the foothills Monday below Hensely damn having a good time chasing quail. Beautiful weather and a few birds in the bag, a great day in my book. We flushed some quail onto a dense island in the river so me and JP went to see if we could push them back to my brother. The cover was thick cotton woods and brush with some berries and was tough to bust through. My dog goes into some berries (to flush quail I think) and I hear some odd racket and my dog emerges with a baby pig (5 or 6 lbs) in his mouth with a look of joy and a "what do you want me to do with this thing?" expression. All I could think was oh s#&t the sow has got to be around here somewhere. My dog wanted to go back for another but I didn't let him and luckily we never encountered the sow. That dog never ceases to amaze me and he is an indiscriminate hunter with everything being fair game while he is on the ground.
I hear ya Buddy! Those Springers are truly amazing! A man couldn't ask for a better hunting partner!

Took my latest springer pup out tonight - training stages big yard of an acre to play in at home but we ventured out into an area that has some cover and a little more space - she kicked a rabbit and a pheasant within 5 minutes - I thought I saw a light bulb shining over her head after that bird flushed :thumbsup:

My old gal is 10 and this is her grand daughter - can only hope to see as many great hunts over her as we did the old girl - for those that see a springer and think it is a pretty show dog etc - they dont have a clue -

Too bad you didnt get a pic -that would have been priceless