Spaying have any effect on hunting drive?


I've got a Lab going into her second cycle , and a GSP going into her first. I'd like to get the Lab spayed. Does that affect prey/hunting drive at all?
Sometimes conditioning is an issue, I believe that metabolism slows a little, but no change in hunting drive. Vets universally want to spay and nueter everything to eliminate health complications if your not going to breed. They can site a long littany of benefits, one of which is no doubt, the hefty fee! quoting around 300.00 bucks here.

That's expensive. $120 here. I knew there was potential for some muscle loss / weight gain if you don't stay on top of it. I can manage around that, but if it ruins any hunting drive - then no dice.

My GSP went into heat the day before we went to Kansas, and my Lab went into heat the day we came back. Just the logistics of two dogs that stay in the house in heat is tough...
I have 2 Brittany's 1 each that are spayed and nutered. I really have not seen any loss of hunting drive. The weight gain is the only problem. When they are young it is easy to keep off. They run and hunt longer but when they get old and slow down from age the weight becomes an issue....Bob
I've had several female Brittanys and Springers, all were spayed. I saw absolutely no decline in prey/hunting drive. Nor have I ever seen any slow down in metabolism or muscle loss. I have a 2 year old female Brittay that is spayed and she is one musclular girl. And I'm also not convinced spaying causes weight gain. Get the dog enough exercise and feed the proper amount and you should have no more problem with weight gain than you would with any other dog. I highly recommend spaying.
None. You may need to adjust diet and exercise programs to suit each dog.

I would wait until the dog is physically and physiologically mature before spaying, and this will vary with breed. IMO, breeding gundogs should be left to the pros or really dedicated amateurs. Not a big fan of run of the mill "backyard breeders".

I concur with the fact that there is no loss of prey drive. Even the weight gain is dependent upon each dog. One Britt gained no weight when spayed, where as my present dog at one year is chubby. However, the Vet warned me with my current Britt, that weight gain would be an issue if I spayed her or not.
IMO, breeding gundogs should be left to the pros or really dedicated amateurs. Not a big fan of run of the mill "backyard breeders".


My thoughts exactly. :thumbsup:
Great discussion guys!!! i'm about to buy another English Pointer in a female and want her spayed before she gets home cause I wouldn't want Jay(male EP) TO GET ANY IDEAS!!!! And you guys answered the questions I had about having her spayed. thank you
Great discussion guys!!! i'm about to buy another English Pointer in a female and want her spayed before she gets home cause I wouldn't want Jay(male EP) TO GET ANY IDEAS!!!! And you guys answered the questions I had about having her spayed. thank you

I'm assuming you are buying a mature dog? You certainly wouldn't want to have a new puppy spayed before bringing her home.
I have a 5 year old gsp that has been fixed and she looks great !!! But i just had my 1 year old brittany neutered a month ago and he isnt the same dog. He just loafs instead of all ways being busy when hunting. I am just sick about the change. He may be the exception about neutering?? I am going to carry him to the vet tomorrow just to make sure he doesnt have anything else going on. Maybe Im rushing it??
Yes you could be rushing it. Some dogs are slow healers. They just need time to get well. Think of how you would feel if that was done to you. I'd give him some time to get back to normal.....Bob
Remember, you want to pick the litter, not get the pick of the litter.


I LUV that quote.:D

And its sooooo true. Unfortunately, too many people find that out "the hard way" ie. with the many genetic health issues in the various gundog breeds.

I had my older female GSP spayed a couple of years ago. Weight gain has been her only challenge since. She was always a "thick" dog anyway.

I am going to have one of my males neutered this spring, but only because he deals with chronic prostate infections. Almost lost him last summer.

Man, some of your vets are making some dough. I can get a dog spayed by my vet for less than 100 dollars here in NE Oklahoma.
Have any of you wanting your dog "fixed" ever check with your city or county Animal Control? Here in my city they do for half or more less than the prices I see posted here. Ckeck into it, their Vets do a good job. I got Tony done for $20, but that was a while ago.......Bob