Some exciting news

quail hound

One of my neighbors from down the way came today and thanked me for raising and releasing pheasants around the house. He said in the spring he saw a hen this spring with a brood of chicks and today 2 young roosters came walking through his pasture. There are no wild birds out here and I'm the only person who raises birds out here so they are mine. I didn't release any birds this year so the hen was either hatched in the wild or is a hold over from spring before last, either way it makes me feel pretty good. Time to get some good breeders and start the process all over again I guess.:cheers:
I thought so too he's a hunter also and knows how passionate I am about my birds. I wish they would stroll through my pasture but if they got close and crowed I'm sure the bird dogs would get them to leave in a hurry.
Yea, I could see why you would be excited about that, it's pretty neat. Do you have the type of habitat in the area that the birds could reproduce and establish a wild population?
Enough continuous cover for a self sustaining population but not enough high quality cover to produce high numbers.
That's great! Have you noticed any better survival from the Melanistic " black" birds?
No, not really. I have noticed how people want to shoot roosters even though they've never seen one out here, It amazes me.