I think I'm picking up what you're laying down, but I suspect it's unrealistic. Let me see if I'm getting at least some of it.
So sportsmen stop paying into gov't access programs, stop paying weird taxes, & stop buying habitat stamps & such. We use that money to buy land via conservation groups, so essentially we own it, manage it, & get to hunt it. Who's going to SELL his/her land??? There are enough people with serious, serious money looking to buy hunting ground, that I think most landowners who wanted to sell theirs would've done so by now. If the land were for sale, those seriously well-funded people would outbid me or some conservation group every single time. Those landowners don't want to sell. Instead they retain ownership, enroll it in the WIA or CREP program, as well as the flawed CRP program, and allow me to hunt it much of the time during the season.
So....in an effort to keep the government out of it, maybe my favorite conservation group should enter into a similar contract w/ the landowner. We'll essentially rent it, manage it, & hunt it, as long as it's not mowed, grazed, or otherwise made unhuntable. Oh....you mean like PF does? (I say that facetiously) The Habitat Organization hasn't gained me 1 square foot of hunting ground. They may have helped improve some, but they didn't gain me any. And I think that by now, if they could've made that type of arrangement work, they would've. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't think so.