So who's it going to be?

I've been easy on you guys lately in the thinking area. So I come up with a great question. Who would you pick for pres and vice prez? And it has to be someone on the forum:eek: No picking me Because if AL gore could invent the internet while VP just imagine what I would come up with:D
Prez I would have to pick BOB he seems smart and can spell (kinda like me:D):. VP Labman because he's tough and how many past vp can you say that about:D No crying guys I can only pick two:D You all would be better then whats in there:)
Nobody on this forum is responsible enough to be president.:eek: All of us blow off more "important" things to go hunting as often as we can, and most of us are reading and posting on this forum from work.:laugh:
Nobody on this forum is responsible enough to be president.:eek: All of us blow off more "important" things to go hunting as often as we can, and most of us are reading and posting on this forum from work.:laugh:

CaptainCoot!!! I'm in!!! Anything to get these knuckleheads out of there.

No way I'd do a worse Job than Biden or the Community Organizer.
CaptainCoot!!! I'm in!!! Anything to get these knuckleheads out of there.

No way I'd do a worse Job than Biden or the Community Organizer.

Wow I am waiting for the four horsemen of the apocalypse to ride:eek: I am sure the silver spooned corporate raider will do a better job. Maybe he could get a loud mouthed soccer mom to run with him.
Only a fool would continue to want to increase government spending and increasing the national debt, when doing it for 3 years has not worked.

How much of your kids future is he going to spend. He as learned nothing from what is happening in Greece, Italy, .....

Ok I am done, until it is time to vote, and I will not be voting for more spending, debt and excuses for not getting the job done.

The guy picked Biden to be his running mate, how smart is that? Unless you are worried that people will think the VP is smarter than you, which is a scary thought :eek:
Waiting to hear the stances or positions the front runners are standing on !!!!!!!!!!! Before I vote!!!!!!:thumbsup:
CaptainCoot!!! I'm in!!! Anything to get these knuckleheads out of there.

No way I'd do a worse Job than Biden or the Community Organizer.

labman agreeing with coot? whats the world coming to? next thing you know the vikes will win a super bowl:D sorry labman i couldnt resist. glad to have you back.:cheers:
Only a fool would continue to want to increase government spending and increasing the national debt, when doing it for 3 years has not worked.

How much of your kids future is he going to spend. He as learned nothing from what is happening in Greece, Italy, .....

Ok I am done, until it is time to vote, and I will not be voting for more spending, debt and excuses for not getting the job done.

The guy picked Biden to be his running mate, how smart is that? Unless you are worried that people will think the VP is smarter than you, which is a scary thought :eek:

It was about as smart as picking Cheney then letting his company rape the federal government for 8 years. Or getting us in two wars we couldn't win. Like it or not he was handed a pile of crap, and has continued to make it bigger. I just don't know if anyone could have done any better, I guess we will never know. So we will go on to the next one who promises us crap he will never follow through on. Ok my picks for UPH president would be:

blackcloud 27 for pres (then we would get coot his brother, kinda like jimmy and billy carter. Only a matter of time before coot would implode. Would make for good tv)
Labman for VP ( his and coots love affair will only last so long. Just a matter of time till they would go at each other. Also would be good tv)

Shawdow for pres ( he already knows how to take an impeachment) could you imagine his state of the union address with all the hyphens and one word sentences. Within a couple of hours we would be in WW3.- Me laughing-.
Dakota Zeb vice pres ( seems to be pretty even tempered, he would be president in a couple hours)

Only a Pointer for pres ( can you imagine the Presidential vehicle would be a camo Dodge Power Wagon with an oversized 'Bama flag flowing............Roll tide!)
vice pres (anyone on here that would be willing to talk about Alabama everyday. You know, Alabama day, Alabama Christmas, The day Alabama was founded, get the picture) -laughing again now-

The White house chef would have to be Goldeneye. Again have you seen the pictures of his food?

- me still laughing-
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What completely amazes me, Carptom1, is people are still Blinded by this fool in the White House!!!! Won't be long, and he'll start regulating this UPH Website! :)

It was about as smart as picking Cheney then letting his company rape the federal government for 8 years. Or getting us in two wars we couldn't win. Like it or not he was handed a pile of crap, and has continued to make it bigger. I just don't know if anyone could have done any better, I guess we will never know. So we will go on to the next one who promises us crap he will never follow through on. Ok my picks for UPH president would be:

blackcloud 27 for pres (then we would get coot his brother, kinda like jimmy and billy carter. Only a matter of time before coot would implode. Would make for good tv)
Labman for VP ( his and coots love affair will only last so long. Just a matter of time till they would go at each other. Also would be good tv)

Shawdow for pres ( he already knows how to take an impeachment) could you imagine his state of the union address with all the hyphens and one word sentences. Within a couple of hours we would be in WW3.- Me laughing-.
Dakota Zeb vice pres ( seems to be pretty even tempered, he would be president in a couple hours)

Only a Pointer for pres ( can you imagine the Presidential vehicle would be a camo Dodge Power Wagon with an oversized 'Bama flag flowing............Roll tide!)
vice pres (anyone on here that would be willing to talk about Alabama everyday. You know, Alabama day, Alabama Christmas, The day Alabama was founded, get the picture) -laughing again now-

The White house chef would have to be Goldeneye. Again have you seen the pictures of his food?

- me still laughing-