Whoa, somebody hacked into my account back in 2020 and posted a very whiny, gripey post about hunting in the snow. Got to do better with the security web guys.
But I could see myself being very disappointed by my first hunt in the snow. I make it out to SD just for opener so snow in mid Oct that sticks around is rare. I was told they would be all over the roads, fences, hay bales and tree branches. But apparently this is the case on the second day after they come out of the cattails. That year it melted by afternoon which was probably for the best since I wasn't going down into ditches with a foot of wet show and road hunting in that mess was slow going with many spots out of commission that we couldn't drive through. Locals did say it might be a week before anything other than the oil gets plowed so you likely can get there but don't expect to zip around the gravel roads or make it through to some ground unless it is level and you have a good truck/tires to make it.
But I could see myself being very disappointed by my first hunt in the snow. I make it out to SD just for opener so snow in mid Oct that sticks around is rare. I was told they would be all over the roads, fences, hay bales and tree branches. But apparently this is the case on the second day after they come out of the cattails. That year it melted by afternoon which was probably for the best since I wasn't going down into ditches with a foot of wet show and road hunting in that mess was slow going with many spots out of commission that we couldn't drive through. Locals did say it might be a week before anything other than the oil gets plowed so you likely can get there but don't expect to zip around the gravel roads or make it through to some ground unless it is level and you have a good truck/tires to make it.