Sis's Pheasants-picture


Well-known member
She's not a hunter with a shotgun, but got these as they were leaving their farm in south central Kansas. I like it. :)

I like it!!! :coolpics: Nice study/reference pic for beginners too - in being able to tell the difference between a rooster & a hen in flight (with that brown, short-tailed hen frozen in such clear contrast between the two roosters)!
With those pics, tell her to never pick up a gun! Just awesome!!!:coolpics: We sure do enjoy them and thanks for sharing and tell her to keep em coming!! Thanks again.:cheers:

Thanks for the replies guys. I tried to talk her into going with us this weekend to get some action shots, rather than end of the day tailgate shots with cheap point and shoot cameras, but she politely declined.

She's not a hunter with a shotgun, but got these as they were leaving their farm in south central Kansas. I like it. :)


Beautiful composition. Thank you for posting.
Very nice picture, Ir really like it. Thank you .....Bob
I'm glad someone bumped this thread back up. This is a great pic to stare at during pre-season! It makes a great background on my work computer.
doubling up

Speaking of double - I had the privilege of getting some great ptarmigan hunting in last month while fishing in Alaska and doubles/triples were somewhat the norm. Helps that they fly much slower than a rooster!
That's a cool shot. Can't wait to see the country first hand received my atlas in the mail on Saturday.