Sioux Falls SD?


Is there anyone on the forum who lives in the Soix Falls SD area?

If so I have a couple quick questions for you:).


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I'm at the point I think I'll be moving my family and business to South Dakota. My wife is more the city type so I'm trying to find an area where she'll be happy too. More or less trying to find a balance if that makes sense. Sioux Falls came to mind.

If you don't mind, how's the life (in general) out there, in-and-around Sioux Falls? We have two little one's so if anyone has info on schools that would be appreciated too.

Thanks gentlemen.:)
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Growing up in Sioux Falls I've seen it grow and change in my 28 years. Grew up on the east side of town. Found it to be a little quieter side of town. That being said I now life on the far west side of town. As for the schools they're all fairly equal to one and other. Three public high schools each graduating just shy of 500 kids every year. Seems that Sioux Falls is growing faster west and south. Some smaller towns around the city too that are fairly nice as well for those that want the ammentities of the city and a small town to live in. Plenty of parks scattered around town and other activities for children to get invloved in from sports to music and such. Have any other questions feel free.
Thanks bigrand. I didn't hear anything negative or bad about Sioux Falls in your post so there must be something good about it.;)

My wife and I are going to take a trip out that way to take a look in the near future.

If you don't mind, I may PM you with some more questions as time goes by. You sound like you know the city pretty well.

Thanks again.:cheers:
I can tell you I didn't mind leaving Brookings for sioux falls and miss it like crazy. HERE in mizzery the only thing I don't miss is winter. Miss the people, miss the hunting and fishing and just about everything else. the taxes here are a joke. I lived on the west side and Dell Rapids.
Draw a circle with a radius of 30 to 40 miles around SF and anywhere in the circle will be just fine. My family roots are in the Dell Rapids area and my son just moved there--there are new schools lots of new homes and it's just a nice little town near SF and there are plenty others just like it. :thumbsup:

If you do move here I'm sure you will like here. :)
Thank you gentlemen. I appreciate all your input and info more than you know!

The chamber is sending me a re-location book regarding re-locating to Sioux Falls. My wife is a dental hygienist so I'll have to look into that market out there too. As far as I can tell people need their teeth cleaned out that way too. lol

As for the taxidermy business, the scale/rate per mount seems a bit lower than out here, but as mentioned in another post, there's no state taxes and a whole host of lower this-and-that in SD. To me the lower scale thing is a wash and not much of a concern. God will everything will work out:).
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Thank you gentlemen. I appreciate all your input and info more than you know!

The chamber is sending me a re-location book regarding re-locating to Sioux Falls. My wife is a dental hygienist so I'll have to look into that market out there too. As far as I can tell people need their teeth cleaned out that way too. lol

As for the taxidermy business, the scale/rate per mount seems a bit lower than out here, but as mentioned in another post, there's no state taxes and a whole host of lower this-and-that in SD. To me the lower scale thing is a wash and not much of a concern. God will everything will work out:).

What's the status? You still thinking about making the move?
What's the status? You still thinking about making the move?

Yes. Thanks for asking.;) Though it may be Mitchell instead of Sioux Falls??? Not 100% on either one yet. I like both areas.

Something of a new challenge (in this whole process) is a family member who insists my wife and I need to put off the move until our little one's are old enough for school. At this point my wife seems to be on board with that.

It may come down to opening a shop in SD and coming home once or twice a month for a year or two. We'll see. In the mean time I'm up there every couple of months or so networking and looking at buildings. God willing it will all work out:)
It may come down to opening a shop in SD and coming home once or twice a month for a year or two.

That sounds like it could be difficult, but it seems like your family is on board, just not with your timeline. Having your family on board is a good thing. I wish you luck and hope you can make it happen!
Nick, have you thought about the St Pierre/ Pierre area. I really liked that area and could see myself living somewhere around there.
Nick, have you thought about the St Pierre/ Pierre area. I really liked that area and could see myself living somewhere around there.

I would imagine Pierre would be a hard sell for a wife. It is pretty isolated.

I think Mitchell would be a good choice. I would think a guy could make a living on pheasants alone with all the lodges around there. I could give you some leads with a couple outfitters I know. I am sure some of the others would do the same. Hopefully it will work out. Traveling home with a young family is going to be a struggle.
I would imagine Pierre would be a hard sell for a wife. It is pretty isolated.

I think Mitchell would be a good choice. I would think a guy could make a living on pheasants alone with all the lodges around there. I could give you some leads with a couple outfitters I know. I am sure some of the others would do the same. Hopefully it will work out. Traveling home with a young family is going to be a struggle.

That about says it;). I'd love to move to Pierre but my wife likes convenient shopping/malls:rolleyes:. Sioux Falls has plenty of it. With Mitchell being just 1 hour away from Sioux Falls that should work out.

Tom, I appreciate your willingness to help out (with leads) if and when I make it out there. Thank you very much.

Sioux Falls is a very nice city. One that I would be proud to call home. The interstate loop around town makes it very easy to traverse from end to end or side to side. It has everything you could possibly need in regards to shopping, cuisine, and most importantly, it still has a small town atmosphere and people. Cost of housing is fair, cost of living is decent.

I'm sure you know of the sportsmanship opportunities of the state. Pheasants are a given, but it also boasts tremendous turkey and deer opportunities for your business. Big perch should also be a target species for yourself and your business.

When I retire, it will be in Eastern SD.
SD is a good place to live IF:
1. You have already made enough $$ somewhere else
2. You own or operate a business
3. You are a professional (Dr/Lawyer/Medical field etc)

If you are none-of-the-above, not so much.......