Shotgun Recommendations

I like JMc am a browning man and I truely like mine, a lot of guys on here have given you their opinion as to what they like, but you need to find something you like yourself, before you buy one or settle on a particular one see if you can try some of your friends guns, check gun shops, pawn shops and hold a few yourself.
You know if I told the guys what to look for in a wife I would get alot of opinions BUT would it be what I really want or what really SUITs me. Just my 2cents. :) I hope you find one that really works for you.:thumbsup:

Copheasanthunter, you could pick wives if they would listen!!! But, you know how that goes!!!In the end they get rid of their choice for a wife and keep the gun!!! Everyone of my friends that I have told " she is no good for you"" Did not choose to hear me!! But they still have their gun I recommended!!! You still have to try one out!!! Just don't marry her. I meant, just don't buy the first one you handle!!!!! Better investment to have many guns and no wife!! Unless you find that special gun!!! If you know what I am saying!!!:cheers: