Semi-Auto, O/U, Pump, or SxS?

I use a 12 gauge SxS. It's a gun I received as a gift from someone I respected a lot so although it's not the lightest gun I look to use it. SxS also seems to carry with it a bit more nostalgia.

But in the end, if you shoot a gun that you shoot well, you can't go wrong.
Recoil is all about shot charge in guns 6 1/2#s and under no matter the gauge. Preference for me however is a stacked barrel that fits and choked appropriately for quail or pheasant.
Recoil is all about shot charge in guns 6 1/2#s and under no matter the gauge.

It is about shot charge, but velocity has an even greater effect (given similar changes) because velocity is squared when you calculate energy. Take a 1 oz. load at 1300 fps. A 12.5% increase in shot charge to 1-1/8 oz. results in a 12.5% increase in energy. But a 12.5% increase in velocity will result in 27% more energy (1.125 squared = 1.27). You only have to increase the velocity 6% to 1379 to get 12.5% more energy (1.06 squared = 1.125).