Section line roads.

I ordered an atlas, as well as some other print publications. It’s not real easy to find how to order. Go to the Game and Fish website, go to the very bottom of the main page and click “contact us”, click on the link under “request printed publications,” then check the boxes of what you would like. Once you find the place it’s easy. Finding it is hard. I usually have to search every year. Might be this gray hair getting in the way. Maybe I’ll remember now that I have explained it. Mine came pretty fast. Good luck.
Yep, but some of these yahoo's will hassle you.Some farmer blocked a road I use to get to this public place, and I'm pissed!@
I talked to a guy who knows the area I was in really well. He told me an outfitter parks that old semi-trailer there to discourage people from driving down the section road and hunting the public ground because it abuts some of his private land.
I talked to a guy who knows the area I was in really well. He told me an outfitter parks that old semi-trailer there to discourage people from driving down the section road and hunting the public ground because it abuts some of his private land.
That's totally illegal. I don't like outfitters in general. I think legally,it is ok to drive yhose section roads.Some of these farmers think they can keep the public off those roads by putting up signs,which may be illegal.