Season Reports

Western MN will become a black dirt desert soon.

90% of the soybean fields are black.

Not only is the corn mostly gone, they are turning the fields over as quick as the combines leave the field. :(
Trick or Treat Roosters for Halloween

Perfect point. Walk up past her nose. Pair of roosters flush. Pure Double.

Done in 30 min. Too fast for the dog and all that time driving. Did spend a lot of time scouting some new areas that look good for future days out.

collar is the Garmin Astro
Went out to Marshall area with my dad this weekend. Yesterday we only got one, should have had our limit. About 10 minutes into the morning hunt a rooster got up 5 feet from me, but right before our hunt I spilled some water on my hand and with it being 20 degrees out my wet hand went completely numb. I did not have gloves with me, so I kept my hand in my pocket while walking but could not get it to warm up. I did not even get a shot off on that rooster, I couldn't feel my safety or trigger so decided to not even try rather than something going wrong.

Today we did not even see a shootable rooster though. We did have one interesting encounter. I was walking deep in the cattails with our 3 dogs (my lab, my dads wachtelhund, and his lab mix pup). Wachtelhunds are an all-around dog (fur/feather) and give tongue (bark) when they are on the trail of an animal. She barks a little ways in front of me, so I knew a bird was about to get up. Then I hear barking, growling, and whining. She was on the trail of a big ol coon. I found them thick in the cattails, the wachtelhund and lab mix pup were both tugging on it while the coon was trying to attack them, my lab was just standing there watching. The coon was on it's back and pretty beat up so I was able to get my boot on its chest and pin it down, my dad pulled the dogs off. But then what do I do? If he let's go of the dogs they will run right back at it, if I let the coon up will it attack me? Or run towards the dogs? I had my "durable" gun with me so ended up just hitting it in the head with the butt of the gun to finish it off. I could not believe how much it weighed when I picked it up though!

In the 2 days we saw A LOT of hens, probably 75+ that the dogs flushed. Tons of pheasants were flushing wild ahead of us as well.
Spent two hours out near Fairmont yesterday and saw one hen. Went out this morning in Jackson county and flushed 10 birds - 8 hens and 2 roosters - both of which we did not get a shot at. Extremely windy the last couple of days 20mph+. Hoping to get back down that way in December. Next few weekends will be focused on deer hunting.

Still in search for our(the wife and I) first wild rooster. Hoping we get it this year!
Man after reading a lot of the reports the past few days I had high hopes with the birds I'd see this weekend, but can't say it I was blown away. We hunted north west of Cosmos on Sunday in the wind and managed the 1 rooster we saw for 4 of us hunting. I was able to get my dog out for her first hunt so it was definitely successful, but hoping that by the end of the year I can actually get her on a few more birds than the 5 we saw while hunting (we also saw 8 hens and 2 rooster out driving from spot to spot.)

Are you guys who are doing so well heading out even further west?

Anyways thanks for the reports, just found this forum this year and looking forward to continuing to read everyone's reports and posting my own.

Man after reading a lot of the reports the past few days I had high hopes with the birds I'd see this weekend, but can't say it I was blown away. We hunted north west of Cosmos on Sunday in the wind and managed the 1 rooster we saw for 4 of us hunting. I was able to get my dog out for her first hunt so it was definitely successful, but hoping that by the end of the year I can actually get her on a few more birds than the 5 we saw while hunting (we also saw 8 hens and 2 rooster out driving from spot to spot.)

Are you guys who are doing so well heading out even further west?

Anyways thanks for the reports, just found this forum this year and looking forward to continuing to read everyone's reports and posting my own.


Further west!:thumbsup: I know were waterdog got the 6 in the picture and its a lot further west.
On average, every time we go out its usually within 30 miles of the SD border. If that gives you a indication of how far west.
Got lucky in the wind today, private land between Madelia and Fairmont. My girl springers had a fun day too. :)


Gunflint nice looking birds. Can't get out until Sunday but I cat wait! Nice looking pups:thumbsup:
Another good day. Younger dog is getting plenty of field time with her older "sister" on IR.

Minnesota pheasant hunters remember deer season is open across most of pheasant country. The hunter orange requirements increase somewhat and I would recommend getting your dog orange too. Also if some one is deer hunting public land, let them be ... their season is only 9 days (two weekends).
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Got out today. Shot one bird at our 1st field. Could not figure out whey were not seeing more birds. Walked another mile or so along the edge of corn and bean fields in some nice CRP. On our way back to the truck we had to cut threw some cattails. Put up 3 hens and 1 rooster about 20yrds in. Then it all clicked and I thought to myself its going to be one of those days. I hate cattails:mad:. Long story short got on a big WPA used the wind to my favor let the dog work into the cattails while I stayed on the outside. Love it when it all comes together. Great day to be out! Flushed 7 roosters and about 10-15 hens.

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Made it out yesterday not far from tbear, first piece of public turned out to be a gooder. Put up more than 20 Hens and 15 Roosters! Walked away from that field with three in the bag for 3 guys pressed on to a different field putting up a mix of both Hens and Roosters shooting was not the best but took one from that piece. Dog did great lost track of the solid points and great tracking he was doing on running birds. Called the day a bit early as my newbies had realized this kind of walking was not as easy as they expected. All in all great day great Dog work and good hunting still to be had..... No birds left stay home everyone!!! :)
Went out today just south of the cities, no snow but plenty of wind!! Was able to bag these two in about 40 minutes. First came out of the cattails the other was loafing in the thin grass on our way to more thick cover, was fun to watch the dog use the wind to her advantage and pointed the 2nd rooster! Not typical but always fun to see especially when it's a rooster. All in all great morning!
You guys are giving me hope for Minnesota again! I haven't hunted here much the last few years as the bird numbers in my spots were really low. I might have to get out there in the late season to give it a try.