Saturday Sheds


Active member
Had to get out even though bone spurs are limiting my walking. The property owner drove me around in his Polaris Ranger and a couple of coolers full of refreshments. Would of done better walking around I think. A lot of bladed brow tined deer though!

Bleub, nice sheds, what area of the state did you find them? :D hope your bone spur thing gets better, real painful from what i hear:)
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Nice finds Bleu. I haven't had a chance to get out for much of anything until this last weekend. I was actually planning on doing some shroom hunting and looking for sheds in the same area, but became enamered by some geese and ducks calling others in and just sat there watching that for an hour or so.
Good choice I would have taken the Ranger and a cooler also:thumbsup:
Nice sheds
Jmac, Northeast Colorado. Usually find a 20-24 in a 2 day period, but I waited to long and the grass is up already making it difficult to see them.I am sure all the beer didn't help, but it was a good time!:cheers:
i have to say.. my partner has found several head w antlers and antlers along fence lines. Ill have to take some pics and post them as well.
Hey BB, nice finds for sure! Lots of character to:thumbsup:
Mostly Whitetails in that area?
Mostly in the Riparian areas for the Whities. Mulies in the flats!!!
Those Whities sure enough got some size to em! Good finds!
Jmac, Northeast Colorado. Usually find a 20-24 in a 2 day period, but I waited to long and the grass is up already making it difficult to see them.I am sure all the beer didn't help, but it was a good time!:cheers:

Nice work man! I shot my first whitetail buck a couple years ago out east and (think it was unit 99) and I'm hooked on them now. It was a gorgeous buck (140) but the best part was the meat. Mulie and Elk have nothing on a fat, corn fed Whitetail
I will agree and disagree! Love whitetail, Love, Love Elk!!!! Had one good corn fed mulie!! Great eats !!!!!:cheers:

blueb, northeast colorado, by chance julesburg or holyoke area/ not needing to pin point the area. on second thought, ill send you a pm. myself and extended family own quite a bit of land in that part of colorado/neb. :D
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Birdman, you can still shoot them, you just have too get a little creative with the meat. AS far as deer go, whities are untouchable table fare!!!!:cheers:
Birdman, you can still shoot them, you just have too get a little creative with the meat. AS far as deer go, whities are untouchable table fare!!!!:cheers:

i wont shoot one. for one thing, they arent as a challenge as a whitetail. whitetails are more skittish than mules. at one point, i was able to touch a wild mule on the nose before he decided to run. whats the challenge in that? whitetails start running as soon as a NOISE is heard. i like a challenge, not an easy target.

and second, mule meat sucks. period.

if i shoot a mule.. i donate it, if i shoot a white, i savior it
Birdman, start another thread and I will argue your misconceptions and dissimilarities between the two.
Ummmm, I've been hunting both for 40 plus years.
Never heard a Muley hunter say Mulies are not a challenge.
Those that hunt the young deer of either species probably could not call it challenging.
as far as the meat, not really a lot of difference.
You can get mature WT bucks that are "gamey" and you can get mature MD bucks that are "gamey".
Deer of both species in good condition, good shot placement, good job of meat care. No one could tell the difference when prepared the same. For Sure!
bird man

have to agree with others on this point. I have had great tasten mule deer and great tasten white tails. the difference is white live in crops and fead on crops. mule deer live in non crops areas. mules processed porperly/ into sausage or other properly processed meat taste just fine in imo. i think you are worng about mule deer. you hunt whites from a tree stand? good luck, hunting , mule deer from a stand. ive killed tons in my 49 year of both, types of deer. however, you have the right to your opinion. and thx for it.:thumbsup:
ill stand to my opinion as i have had mules before.

i dont shoot from tree stands. i sit in my truck in a middle of a pasture and to my luck, i have shot good size bucks.

wow, your tastebud, need fixing. no deer, imo, tastes as good as, any elk or moose, ive had. but you are entitled to your opinion.:eek: