Saturday Sheds


wow, your tastebud, need fixing. no deer, imo, tastes as good as, any elk or moose, ive had. but you are entitled to your opinion.:eek: birdman , same to you, you really hunt out of your truck? wow, in my state that will get your guns, taken away, not to mention, your rights to hunt.but you have the right to do what what you want:eek::eek::cool:
wow, your tastebud, need fixing. no deer, imo, tastes as good as, any elk or moose, ive had. but you are entitled to your opinion.:eek: birdman , same to you, you really hunt out of your truck? wow, in my state that will get your guns, taken away, not to mention, your rights to hunt.but you have the right to do what what you want:eek::eek::cool:

umm. i dont actually SHOOT from my truck. I got park in a good spot, watch for a deer, when i see some coming, i get out and set up.

and actually, its not illegal to shoot from a truck unless its MOVING or engine running.

i used to be a cop, i know the laws.

my last buck i shot, i was sitting in the truck, saw some deer coming, got set up on a fence post, and shot my 6x4 buck... i hunted on my own land.

i dont shoot from tree stands. i sit in my truck in a middle of a pasture and to my luck, i have shot good size bucks.

i wont shoot one. for one thing, they arent as a challenge as a whitetail. whitetails are more skittish than mules. at one point, i was able to touch a wild mule on the nose before he decided to run. whats the challenge in that? whitetails start running as soon as a NOISE is heard. i like a challenge, not an easy target.

Hard to figure out your definition of a challenge!!
May be legal in your state to shoot from a vehicle. Here , they would own your gun and your truck. Even if you are leaning over the hood, then they write you for illegal take of game.
Interesting stuff,:) Shot my 1'st Mule Deer when I was 16 I'm 60 now. Going after them again come Fall. MT and WY. Got to know LOTS of Mule /Deer hunters.
Up til now:confused: ain't NEVER heard them called "mules":confused:
White Tails are more consistent in meat quality. For 1 reason, Mule Deer country is more prone to drought. a MD shot in a area under drought conditions is NOT going to be good eating [been there a few times]
During normal times MD will feed on the rich native grasses, fatten them up good. [makes for good eating deer] Dry conditions means poor grass, even the cattle are in poor condition.
Critters go to eating more sage and less desirable survival type forage.
No critter is going to be tender and tasty.

On Elk, want good meat? take a calf or a cow. Those bulls during the rut are the stinkiest critter there is.:eek: Then after the rut [still stink] but the fat is long gone, thin, tough and stringy. Makes the pups want to run away from home.:(

Interesting stuff,:) Shot my 1'st Mule Deer when I was 16 I'm 60 now. Going after them again come Fall. MT and WY. Got to know LOTS of Mule /Deer hunters.
Up til now:confused: ain't NEVER heard them called "mules":confused:
White Tails are more consistent in meat quality. For 1 reason, Mule Deer country is more prone to drought. a MD shot in a area under drought conditions is NOT going to be good eating [been there a few times]
During normal times MD will feed on the rich native grasses, fatten them up good. [makes for good eating deer] Dry conditions means poor grass, even the cattle are in poor condition.
Critters go to eating more sage and less desirable survival type forage.
No critter is going to be tender and tasty.

On Elk, want good meat? take a calf or a cow. Those bulls during the rut are the stinkiest critter there is.:eek: Then after the rut [still stink] but the fat is long gone, thin, tough and stringy. Makes the pups want to run away from home.:(

your so right on hear. bull elk do stink and can be tough and stringy table fare. cows and calfs do taste much better, i love elk meat, i cant tell much difference between elk and beef. i havnt heard md called mules either, mulies yes, i think it must have been a typo..??:)
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Hard to figure out your definition of a challenge!!

sorry i wasnt detailed!

most hunts i do, im parked in a pasture, or where ever i think deer is gonna come through..

then i get my bincs out and look around from sitting inside my truck.. keeping warm...

when deer is in sight, i get out, set up, then SHOOT when its what i wanna shoot.. thats how i got my 6x4.

sorry for the CONFUSION

I still go after a whitetail... they feed on crops.. which is more healthier than just a mule which eats more grass than crops.
ok birdman652001

thats the way you hunt ok. if its legal to hunt in your state, from your truck its all good. like others have stated you'll lose your guns, truck, and your hunting privileges. i get the point your making about spoting, the deer great we all do that, from the truck. i dont agree about your, tastes in deer meet. i can tell you that, i dont hunt for horns, any more, young mans game, far as i know, you cant eat the horns.:D meat on bucks doesnt seem to taste all that good. compaired to a fat doe or fawn. but to each his own. white tail compaired to mule deer, is like compairing apples and oranges.:cheers::cool:
I doubt anywhere it would be legal to hunt from a vehicle? Spose I could be wrong.:eek:

Not uncommon though, I see it often, especially in the West.
Can't see doing it myself. I hunt for the hunt, not the meat. I like venison but usually give meat to who ever wants it.

I hunt in 3 states for deer and Elk in MT, antelope too. I like to share the meat, always cared for properly.
okay people...

theres a DIFFFERENCE in what im saying..



i didnt say ANY where in any of my post that i SHOT from my truck. I said i use my truck to get to where i want to go, PARK IT, the pretty much look for any deer..

ONCE SPOTTED, i will EXIT (means i get OUT of my truck) and set up and SHOOT my gun AWAY from my vehicle.

now DROP this legal crap shooting from a truck bc you are mis understanding me when i say i use my truck when i hunt.

you use your TRUCK to hunt pheasants, i dont assume you use your truck and SHOOT out of a truck.. i assume you DRIVE to your point of hunt area, then EXIT your vehicle.

Birdman I hate to say this. But obviously you have never seen a couple of Goof-Balls driving a back road ditch/road hunting for pheasant. Happens all the time, makes me wish I was a Game Warden.........Bob
Birdman I hate to say this. But obviously you have never seen a couple of Goof-Balls driving a back road ditch/road hunting for pheasant. Happens all the time, makes me wish I was a Game Warden.........Bob

oh yah i have... i used to be a police officer. we get complaints and we sometimes see that vehicle in town later in the day.

im just saying bc apparently some people on here are thinking i shoot out of my truck.. which is NOT true. however, how am i gonna get to my spot where i wanna hunt if im not allowed to use my truck to get there?