Sad day

After some soul searching I've discovered why I am the way I am. When I was little my parents gave me a beuatiful Moo cow toy squeeze it's belly and it would make a wonderful MOOOOOOOOOO noise:thumbsup: I played with this toy for countless hours. Until one day blackcloud attacked me:eek: and stole my moo cow toy hiding it forever:( I guess some poeple don't like moo noises in the morning. I was hoping you guys could convince blackcloud that his actions were bad:mad: and I should get another moo cow toy or tell me a story like this one so I would know that life changing stuff like this happened to other poeple and not just me.
Thank BC no way. He's a butthead:eek: My parents should of never let his toy stealing addiction go unchecked. He's got you all fooled he's not the cute cuddlely person you all think he is. He's not even a good pheasant hunter misses everything. Have him post a picture of his dog that will prove it:D All his big kills where on the Cabelas big game hunter. I think he only eats lettuce to.
Blackcloud sez:) This all happened last weekend.:cheers:
Not to rain on your parade...but it's a HAPPY DAY here; LAST DAY OF SCHOOL...YIPPEEEEEEEEEE...summer awaits!
Coot, into each life some rain must fall. I think having your toy stolen made you a better man. It taught you how stupid thoughtless acts like stealing. Can cause great pain to others. Therefore you are careful not to inflict such pain on others.

Jim, what are you going to do with your summer vacation?............Bob
As an administrator there is not much of a summer vacation but I will be moving from the high school over to the superintendents office. I'll get the first week in June and July off and will probably head to Tyler to see my 3 boys. My wife is headed to Europe with 13 kiddos so I'm batchin' for 3 weeks in June as well. Sorry Coot...didn't mean to hijack your thread. I'd send you a real cow but can't afford the shipping...:D
No probelm JMc. I bet you're glad when last day arrives. Remember to have lots of fun on vacation:thumbsup:. Spent all the money on the European vacation you must make the big bucks:D Don't be scared to pick on blackcloud I do it all the time he enjoys it. I can't believe he's not responded yet probably stealing toys at a preschool:D

I guess I am lost. I do not know what the H you are talking about. Sorry to hear you lost your toy when you were a kid. Think all of us did that. BC did it affect you that badly? HA HA HA!! You guys are funny, love this web site. Now quit crying.:D:D:D
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gezz coot. would you quit whining about that dang stupid cow!!!!!!!! it was the most obnoixous toy ever. especially at 4 in the morning:mad: i guess our brother and myself should of left your cow alone and been satisfied when you got YOUR own bed. that way our bed stayed dryer:D
I'm a man I drink straight pepsi with ho hos and quit hidden my stuff balckcloud drives me crazy. Been around alot of chemicals this week guys I don't think it's had to big of affect on me. Coots alway like full moons. I checked on Ebay and my moo cows there blackcloud I'm bring it pheasant hunting maybe thats what made me a much better shoot then you.
BC buy Coot a steak dinner instead. Coot bring the beer.
Then after a night of drinking we get more stories:D
I like the idea of buying him a "cow" in it's "T BONE" phase.
OH yeah! brew too.:cheers: