Round UP Ready Corn.


I've heard the seed from RR corn will not germinate and not be RR.

OK, I know it germinates because of volunteer corn.

I took 10 ears, 10 kernels an ear for 100 seed. Got 97 plants!:cool:

Growing in a tray by a sunny window the corn is 4-5 inches tall and looking healthy.

What will happen when I spray it with RR?
I'm experimenting.
I would think it would be RR. It's still genetically engineered corn (?)

Do you know if it's legal to take RR corn from your crop and plant it? The reason I'm asking is that PF sent me all the legal/FDA forms to be filled out for RR corn. Man, God forbid a bag spills open or gets wet/ruined and I have to dispose of the seed:eek: They really keep track of that stuff.
I would think it would be RR. It's still genetically engineered corn (?)

Do you know if it's legal to take RR corn from your crop and plant it? The reason I'm asking is that PF sent me all the legal/FDA forms to be filled out for RR corn. Man, God forbid a bag spills open or gets wet/ruined and I have to dispose of the seed:eek: They really keep track of that stuff.

Unless it somehow cross pollinates with some nearby corn. I am sure you guys already know this, you still have to hit the field, sometimes twice before you plant.:cheers:
I've heard the seed from RR corn will not germinate and not be RR.

OK, I know it germinates because of volunteer corn.

I took 10 ears, 10 kernels an ear for 100 seed. Got 97 plants!:cool:

Growing in a tray by a sunny window the corn is 4-5 inches tall and looking healthy.

What will happen when I spray it with RR?
I'm experimenting.

It is still RR. Thus the reason many farmers use a grass killer such as Select or Fusilade to kill volunteer corn. You are dealing with Hybrid corn though and you really should not expect much as far as ears if you try to plant for a food plot. It will grow but it does not remain "true" to all of its charateristics ie grain yield. Plus if Monsanto finds out you can expect to get sued for at least $500,000. All GMO plants are protected by law under the PVP.
Yes you will get sued. Monsanto has ferrets everywhere, eager to sue anybody who tries to grow "illegal" corn. Just sprouting in the window will probably be sin enough. Of course all this corn was developed by our publicly funded, land grant universities, in conjuction with Monsanto and others. Monsanto gives a research grant of say $100,000.00 or so, the university does all the work, Monsanto patents the result, with a token royalty to the University, and sells it at an outrageous profit to the farmer/taxpayer who's tax dollars support the University which made it possible in the first place! What's wrong with Big AG? Somebody asked? I use open pollinnated. Last year I used Indian Corn, protien 13% got 75 bushels an acre with green manure, plow down, and the manure spreader, cultivator to cut down weeds, for input. It's more than a match for 200.00 a bag seed corn. Neighbors down the road, ( but far enough to avoid contaminating my crop), got 130 bushels, of 7% protien, with inputs of nearly 300.00 an acre, as apposed to 75.00. No herbicides, no pesticides.
Well:confused: If there are any Monsanto spies out there:eek:
NO, I'm not gonna market it.
I plant 10-15 acres for the wildlife each year. I get a lot of money into it.:eek:

I know it's hybrid, I know pollination and maturity and other stuff is a factor.
Still should work for the critters, shouldn't it?
Well:confused: If there are any Monsanto spies out there:eek:
NO, I'm not gonna market it.
I plant 10-15 acres for the wildlife each year. I get a lot of money into it.:eek:
My understanding is that it's illegal to even keep RR seed from crop you've grown to plant again for yourself the next year. They want you to buy new seed from them every year, even if you're choosing to feed wildlife instead of selling it.

IMO, just go with the non-RR corn from a different company. Of course you'll have more weeds, but weeds aren't necessarily a bad thing for wildlife.
That nasty RR corn, we should go back to the days of pesticides that had residual effect and polluted our water, that was much better. Yum Yum give me a big old glass of Atrazine polluted water :beer:
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Well:confused: If there are any Monsanto spies out there:eek:
NO, I'm not gonna market it.
I plant 10-15 acres for the wildlife each year. I get a lot of money into it.:eek:

I know it's hybrid, I know pollination and maturity and other stuff is a factor.
Still should work for the critters, shouldn't it?

Here are some things you can do, A lot of seed dealers have some left over show plot seed or some they carried over from the previous year, ask around, also there are some seed companies that offer blend corns at a cheaper price. The Syngenta Companies(NK,Golden Harvest, Garst) have some GT(their RR Gene) hybrids that they sell for around $125 bag. These are not their top numbers but you don't need those anyway. In a Wildlife plot plant it at 20,000 and get 4 acres out of a bag $31.25 an acre.

As far as planting saved seed it does not matter if you are not going to market it. The Plant Variety Protection Act(PVP) allows seed breeders to patent there seeds and gives them protection and entitlment to damages. There is a case pending now against a seed dealer and South Dakota State University over some Wheat seed SDSU developed and the dealer resold without paying SDSU royalty fees. Wheat seed isn't GMO but it can still get protection under PVP.
I say you are doing a consumer report to see if does what it says it does!!!!!!!! :10sign:
Roundup vs. Atrazine

I don't really think trading one poison for another is a victory. Might want to read the history of Roundup on Wickipedia, or some other resource besides a Monsanto ad, and form your own opinion. Roundup is already banned in several Canadian provinces where Monsanto can't squash research and lobby for exemptions. Ironically, it may not be the glyphos salt that is the issue but the suffacant POEA that causes cell damage in vertabrates and invertabrates as well. It is easy to understand that Monsanto will go to the mat to protect it since Roundup, and RR ready crop seed account for 1/2 of their total revenue. No EPA study has ever been done, to determine safety. Oh, and by the way, weeds have been adapting to Roundup, and developing resistence to it's affects. No doubt the folks at Monsanto and company,are hard at work developing the next, more toxic generation of some chemical to spray on the land. We need less frogs, but more with 3 legs.
Oh, and by the way, weeds have been adapting to Roundup, and developing resistence to it's affects.

I saw this first hand when doing habitat restoration. If you don't kill it the first time, that weed will develop a resistance to the % of roundup you used. To kill it you must increase the % of roundup.:)
Couple things;
All seed corn producing companies large and small now have their own RR corn seed.
Round Up [glyphosate] has gone generic for some time now.
foreign countries have been pirating RR seed for years.

I buy seed corn, both conventional and RR from several companies.

I do get last years blends, the best price I could get on RR was $165. Haven't priced it this year, no doubt a lot higher.

Glyphosate will kill only growing plants, 2 weeks after application fields can and are green with new weed growth. 2 or more passes are required or a residual such as atrizine added to the glyphsate.

On conventional corn. A blend of herbicides will get a total weed kill for the season with 1 pass.
Any Corn that has RR on the bag or tag uses the RR gene from Monsanto. The seed company pays a Royalty fee to Monsanto for the use of the technology. The Seed companies do not have their own gene. If the Seed has GT on the bag or tag, the seed company is paying Syngenta a royalty fee. GT is Glyphosate Tolerant or commonly known as Roundup Ready.
Just for an FYI you only have about five major corn breeding companies in the US, Cornstates(monsanto), Dupont(Pioneer),Dow,Syngenta(Greenleaf), and AgReliant. Monsanto owns Dekalb/Asgrow, Channel Bio and everything under the American Seeds LLC umbrella. The smaller seed companies are getting their germplasm from these breeding programs, with the vast majority getting genetics from Cornstates and Greenleaf.
Just for an FYI you only have about five major corn breeding companies in the US, Cornstates(monsanto), Dupont(Pioneer),Dow,Syngenta(Greenleaf), and AgReliant. Monsanto owns Dekalb/Asgrow, Channel Bio and everything under the American Seeds LLC umbrella.

Wirehairs, you mentioned Syngenta. PF sent me a record keeping form for this seed along with Monsanto. I've never heard of Syngenta before. I'm amusing their seed in genetically engineered like Monsanto? Is this why I need to keep records on this seed too?
Syngenta is one of the biggest Ag companies in the world and they do have GM Seeds. Their Chemicals include Callisto, Lumax, Dual, Bicep, Touchdown, Flexstar, and Quadris. Their seed companies are NK, Garst, Golden Harvest. They call their GMO traits Agrisure.
Well:confused: If there are any Monsanto spies out there:eek:
NO, I'm not gonna market it.
I plant 10-15 acres for the wildlife each year. I get a lot of money into it.:eek:

I know it's hybrid, I know pollination and maturity and other stuff is a factor.
Still should work for the critters, shouldn't it?

MNMT, watch the movie FOOD, Inc if you have not already. It will give you the hebejeees about "saving seed" which is what they would call that. I don't know if they have quantity or use minimums but knowing the big dogs they don't. FYI.

I think you would have had to have signed the seed mfg. agreement to be bound of course too.
Green Haven out of New York has some great open-pollinated field corn varieties. Once you have a crop you can save your seed from year to year and it will keep getting better.
The guy told me deer would eat it before hybrid corn. I gave some to a friend(didn't get in trouble 4 it) and the deer ate an acre of it before the ear fully developed. He's a decent person to talk to. Besides, you'll need the seed when the jackasses in WASH DC get through with us.
For weeds I like Bicep and if I need to I spray lightly with 2,4 D for the broadleaf weeds. Actually you could use Brawl, it's cheaper. It's not labeled for sweet corn so I don't use it. It's just generic Bicep.