Looking at my new weather-bug application, I had noticed that Saturday was going to be ROUGH at the least. I fortunately was going to be able to get in stand for what looked to be a wonderful end of the week. I had a new obstacle as the property owner to my South, who has always allowed us to drive up his “trail” to approach our top stands had leased his ground for rifle season and the short drive had turned into a rigorous walk, straight up hill. The morning started out cold as a lot of you know, I managed to sneak over the beaver damn and through a sliver of timber that helped me ease over the rim-rock and up into the “African-Tree” where a simple ladder stand was stood. On my final approach I kicked up 2 deer, watching as their white-flags bounced over the ridge. No big-deal. I climbed into the stand only to come face-to-face with a dandy of an 8-point that we had determined was only 3-1/2 years old from trail-cam photos. He “kinda” saw me, but never made a loud exit. The morning began fast, never got my outer layers on when 2-bucks eased out of the timber way out there. Light had not gotten to the point where a 400 yd judgment was available, so I just watched as they meandered out of sight. Soon after I noticed a few does getting run by a nice high-racked buck and a fork horn over 500-yds away. Throughout the morning deer came and went from all directions and the final count was 18. Then I noticed a flash out to the West where I had my wishes granted. In November, I had grazed a huge 5-1/2 year old we called “corkscrew”, we looked all over, never found him and were praying for a trail cam to catch him, no luck. Fast forward to this morning, 550 yards out, there he stood watching 2 groups of does make their way to the bedding area. This buck would literally walk 30-yds, stand for 10-15 minutes and then walk another 30-yds. (He will be a tough one next year). He never did get within my comfortable range, but he was ALIVE!!! As I sat back I noticed movement to the North where a young crotch-horn was coming in and he was followed by a mature deer. I got my scope on him and knew he was a shooter. The 2 bucks met and had a nice little fight at 100yds in front of me, something I had never witnessed first-hand. When the smaller 8pt was ran off, I released my safety and the rest is history!!! It is mornings like these that are hard to explain the non-hunter on why we do this!!! The good news is, this one will forever be burned in my memory…. And keep me eagerly anticipating next autumn!!!