I recently sent this to my buddy at Corn Growers:
"As much as I don't care for entitlements and big government, our last conversation sparked some thoughts in my little brain. This recent PF article, and more so the picture, solidified it.
I always thought of tree belts and drainages as corridors for wildlife. A drainage is certainly a potential corridor for clean or polluted water depending on how it is managed.
Bordering my property I have public roads that others have a right of way to but I own up to the middle of it.
I see no difference with water rights. The public may be entitled to a clean water right of way across private property. Just like the road ditch is the buffer for the road the clean water easement is the buffer for the mitigation of AG behavior and pollutants, runoff, and the drainage is the main travel corridor for clean water and wildlife and more.
The balance of quality cost effective food is at odds with a clean water source for which to wash it down with. AG land amendments are a big concern and a big issue. Voluntary options will not get it done."
It seems that Big Ag is not concerned with water quality and figures folks can go buy all the clean water they want at the store (or public utility) where they buy the food they produce too.