Re-enrolling existing CRP

We have 40 plus acres that we are re-enrolling. I got a request from USDA for a practice to be done in 2015 or 2016. Whcih do you think is best for birds?

2nd interseeding;
light disking
managed harvesting
managed grazing

My thought is 2nd interseeding but would like opinions. Disking is probably my 2nd choice.
I like the grazing some really good information is coming out about that practice. Plus you might get some more hunting ground by letting a rancher graze his cattle.
I second the grazing option. If you are interested in the health of your soil there is nothing better than grazing. If you have some invasive species burning might have a place. With grazing you can put much of that carbon in the ground, with burning you put it in the air. Why not increase your organic matter?
If it's old, thick CRP, light discing might be best for birds. I've heard the old, thick CRP is not good brood cover because chicks have difficulty getting around in it.