nc bird man
New member
Now before you get all cranked up and think I am too snooty to shoot a pheasant let me explain myself. I have been traveling to North central Kansas for about 4 years to spend money and hunt the beautiful Ringneck. I can not get away until late December or early January. 2 out of the last 4 years after making a 20 hour drive our hunting has been cut short by major snow events so last year we came on December 5th and what happened about a foot of snow so back home we headed after hunting two days. So I was thinking that maybe I would do Quail only in a more southerly area of the state hoping I might be able to bypass the huge snows that have plagued my hunts in the past.
So the question is: If I was to do a quail only maybe a rooster thrown in for good measure all on public ground where would you suggest I go based on this years bird numbers?
Thanks in advance for your replies and good hunting is safe hunting be careful and respectful.
Nc bird man
So the question is: If I was to do a quail only maybe a rooster thrown in for good measure all on public ground where would you suggest I go based on this years bird numbers?
Thanks in advance for your replies and good hunting is safe hunting be careful and respectful.
Nc bird man