Quail forum working?


New member
Sorry to be posting about quail in UPH but I'm having problems posting over in the UQH forum and am wondering if anyone else has issues as well. Is anyone posting in both UPH and UQH? I'm able to log in to UQH with my UPH credentials, I can read all posts but I can't post anything. What am I doing wrong? I can't seem to get a moderator to answer me either. Is UQH a dead forum?
Pretty much. Don't feel bad about posting quail stuff here, its called UPH but I think any upland related content is at home here.:cheers:
Plenty of quail, grouse, prairie chicken, and partridge talk here.
Absolutely, post all the quail stuff you like. Right here or regional on UPH.:thumbsup:
Yes UQH sight has been very slow. Most folks on it post on UPH also. Post away on here about all things Quail.:thumbsup: