Protocol on splitting up the birds?


For the original post ... this sounds just like something a woman would be concerned with. I have never, ever had a situation where guys I've hunted with have had any disagreement over how we split the birds. The only arguments I've ever had about splitting up the meat was with my brothers over deer processing when one brother only wanted the loin chops and took ALL of them one time. Man! Those chops are way too good to be denied!

I do a fair amount of hunting with guys who do not have dogs and even though my dog is the reason for a lot of their success, I've never even considered that I should get more meat because of my dog's part in it. I absolutely love seeing my dog do his job and help my buddies get birds. I've taken a lot of guys who have never hunted behind a good pointing dog and have always received a lot of enjoyment watching their reactions to the dog's work. Most of them are amazed as to how it works. The smiles are all the reward I need.
I find that more often than not the guys who own the dogs typically end up with more birds, not matter how hard we set up the buddy without a dog. For me my dogs hunt in front of me a little more than the whole group and I know how to read my dog. There are many times I get a hunch he is starting to get birdy, but not birdy enough to get everyone excited, since I am probably wrong more often than not I still have an unfair advantage.
This year is just the opposite, we all have dogs, mine is the least experienced and I am just not getting the shots, not complaining just reporting observations.
Yes, I don't waste birds, but sometimes I get as much, if not more enjoyment with preseason working of the dogs. Maybe because I don't feel pressured to hit everything they get up. I never miss during training sesions and in my book every bird they get up are "dead" birds if it were open season.
Wow, I am surprised how open, varied, and widespread the practice of "pooling" is. Perhaps I am misinterpreting, but it certainly seems as if anyone shooting more than the daily bag limit is in violation of the game laws, regardless of how many are in the hunting party. I'm interested in knowing whether there are any wardens/conservation agents within UPH membership, and would like to get their views on this topic. I realize you wouldn't be able to speak for all law enforcement officials, but how do you deal with pool hunting?

Party hunting of birds is perfectly legal in many states. Do you think those big groups of 20 hunting on lodges in SD make sure you only shoot 3 and then sit out the rest of the hunt? The SD hunting handbook says nothing against party hunting to my knowledge. It is all legal.
As long as your not taking more birds then your party limit, most people do not care. Now if you get caught with five birds on your person and your limit is three then you might be in trouble.
Bucky, As dog people, we're tuned into the dog. I find that the majority of non-dog people who hunt with me barely know the dog is in the woods/field with them, even after some instruction as to how this is going to work. Therefore, we'll always have the advantage. And so it means that much more to me when one notices, adapts and ends up enjoying it so much more.

A couple years ago I was invited to SW MN to hunt with a buddy and his family at his brother's in-laws farm. Being from NE MN grouse country, most of them had never hunted pheasants before. After the first big patch of cover we were going into a marsh. In the back of the marsh I could see a lot of standing water. Knowing that was where the most birds would be hunkered down to escape hunting pressure, I volunteered to take that route. One 15 year old kid, having noticed the dog work on the previous spot offered to come along. We ended up with him shooting one, me two, another rooster we both missed, 10 more hens pointed. When we got to the road, he was grin from ear to ear "Man! That was cool!". That smile was worth a million bucks. Well... maybe not literally, but it made my day.
Hunting with others dogs

I have noticed I am just as guilty as others with not following other peoples dogs when they want to follow something and it requires extra effort on my part and I should know better. With my dogs I will bust through anything to follow it if I think there is a slight chance at a bird. With other peoples dogs it has to be a "sure thing" before I will follow it unless it is easy walking. I know it really annoys my brother since he can't hit the broad side of the barn. It doesn't help matters that I sit back and laugh. As I have read before, hunting with other peoples dogs is like dancing with your sister.
When I am hunting with people that don't have a dog. I tell them how to handle Tony when he goes on point in front of them. That way they get to flush the bird and take the shot.........Bob
I try to do the same, but there are many times if a group of say 4 or 5 are walking a grass field and the dog wants to go to the side trailing the bird the whole group does not follow, normally whoever's dog it is and maybe one other person. If it is what is suppose to be "normal" point and walk up and flush then of course I instruct the others how to flush the birds and let them have the first shot etc. I figure I will have a lot more chances in the season than the dogless hunters so I always try to set them up and give them the best shots. Unless the bird is headed off to private property that I cannot hunt I will not call the dog off a moving bird even if we plan on turning around and hunting that path next. It is probably best if some of the group.
This is a pretty good question to find out who I would take hunting. The guys that think they shot it, they keep it. I would have to disagree with. There is no way of knowing where that rooster was before he decided to get up in front of you without the other people he might have just ran around you.
Pool Hunting????

"As soon as a limit is reached then the guy with his limit is there for support and only shoots if he is the only one with a shot."

How is "pool Hunting" legal? If you shoot your limit - you're done, unload and enjoy watching your dog. Seems no different than using your non-hunting wife's tags on deer that you killed or taking your kid fishing so you can catch double the limit. Just my opinion but I'm old............
"As soon as a limit is reached then the guy with his limit is there for support and only shoots if he is the only one with a shot."

How is "pool Hunting" legal? If you shoot your limit - you're done, unload and enjoy watching your dog. Seems no different than using your non-hunting wife's tags on deer that you killed or taking your kid fishing so you can catch double the limit. Just my opinion but I'm old............

If only it worked that way, the days of the big hunting lodges would be over.
Well guys, this is an interesting topic. Just wanted to throw some input in just like everyone else. There are plenty of times where I've let people hunt over my dog and in the end I'm the one empty handed (a lot of times i don't even know the person and just met them at the club house), but to me getting a bird or not is not really my concern. I'm the one with the dog and i can hunt over him when ever i want, but just about every time i go and hunt pheasants alone at the public club that i hunt at there's always 1 or 2 people with out dogs and most of the time its a father taking his son or daughter out pheasant hunting for the first time, i guess the glory to my hunt isn't taking home birds its giving that first time hunter the experience he/she will remember forever. I remember hunting with out dogs and now that i do have dogs ill never go back to not having one! but now i got dads calling me up the ying yang asking when Remmy's sister is gunna have a litter!

Guess what i'm trying to say is the person with the dog should be the one with the least amount of birds because their the ones with the luxury of having a dog and being able to take for him/her self when he/she wants. it just gives you an excuse to get out more :)
Well my father likes to make my brother and I carry and clean all the birds. I guess age has its perks, then again we make him buy the beer so it evens out.
She doesn't think that's fair, given that without my dog, the other guys wouldn't be getting as many (or any) birds..."


Not your wifes fault but that's just the way many are brought up. Call it a sign of the times and what constant competition has done to people thinking. There doesn't always have to be a winner. When I have shot my limit, I don't shoot anymore and give others the opportunity to bag their own birds. For those with less hunting experience, I put them in a spot where they are given their best chance to get shooting.

We start out with each person keeps what they shoot, until there's enough to make sure everybody gets some to take home. Than we divide them up. Also, once in a while everybody gets that person that just has to out do everyone and he shoots clean across the front of everybody or whatever it takes for him to claim just about every bird shot( I TRULY HATE THEM).

I enjoy watching others shoot birds as much as I like shooting them. I volunteer many times to cook the birds for those who either do not know how to fix them or has just never cooked them up. I always like to show others just how good all types of wild game can be. Many times you will only do it once. Then they will ALWAYS want to take their birds home to show the rest of the family just how good they are.

The only time I will shoot birds for others is when asked to help fill the bag when it's late in the day or others are tired and want to get back to home/camp and rest. Most come a long way to shoot some birds and having others shoot them for them is not what they would want.

Good hunting everyone

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At the end of the day, our group (usually 3 or 4 of us) cleans all the birds, bags them, and they get thrown in the cooler. After the 3-6 hour drive home, the birds are given out equally. We all put in the money for the drive, for the hotel, for the food, its only fair to split the birds. Like somebody else said, just because I wasn't getting any shooting, and the birds all happened to get up by my dad, doesn't mean I wasn't part of the reason that bird was taken. Leftover birds get given to whoever happens to take them.

No muss, no fuss, just good times.
"As soon as a limit is reached then the guy with his limit is there for support and only shoots if he is the only one with a shot."

How is "pool Hunting" legal? If you shoot your limit - you're done, unload and enjoy watching your dog. Seems no different than using your non-hunting wife's tags on deer that you killed or taking your kid fishing so you can catch double the limit. Just my opinion but I'm old............

So how does your group determine who killed the bird when multiple shots are fired? Do you argue with each other on who gets credit for killing the bird when 2 people shoot at the same time?