Productive Walk


Had a very productive walk this morning. Saw a strange bird sitting on the railroad tracks by the house this morning. The dog went on point when we got close. There sat a big fat chukar! An unexpected and awesome training opportunity!

Cinnamon teal are not that common here in colorado, they are some pretty ducks though, would love to have one mounted. A chukar :eek:

What part of Colorado are you in? Is he from a game bird farm or something?

Gets the ole blood pumping for one more month to go until 1 September :10sign::thumbsup:

I see Cinnamon teal all the time. Mostly in the Spring when they are nesting in small ponds or potholes. They are even up in the hills on the ponds. You probably shoot a few in early teal and don't even know it. You will hit the lottery to ever get one in color during teal season or before the leave. Molting and they are just not here by the time they look good. Hens are hard to tell apart from Blue Wing. Drive the back roads through Windsor, Severence and Any farm pond should have Cinnamon's during Spring. Get down to New Mexico in the winter to hunt them in color or Texas. Here is my favorite Bird Mount.
I should have known you would see them all the time, like me seeing Eurasians :p

Those are beautiful mounts. Since you do live up in Colorado's "waterfowl heaven" area...:thumbsup:

Thanks for sharing the pics, :coolpics:

great mount!!! i want to do the same thing with the 4 MN grouse species we have prairie chicken sharptails ruffed & spruce grouse maybe add a hun & pheasant to the list???

you guys in CO should see plenty of cinnamon teal out that way??? we only get the local blue/green wings with a rare cinnamon if we are lucky!!! my dad got 1 a long time ago juve male...
Colorado Wingsport ain't real far from Thornton pretty much within walking distance and I know he has had some escape a time or two.
My neighbors have seen a few! I had a few get out that I had bought for training and they were sitting on the back fence and they were all out taking pictures of them saying how beautiful they were and asking each other if they knew what kind of bird it was, which gave me the chance to put the sneeks on it with the fishing net. They were a little in shock!! Have not talked to me since!!!! LOL!!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:
Should have seen me with a cast net rounding up quail last fall that escaped out of my back yard.
Back in the early 70's I was at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, near Commerce City, and there were gazillion chuckars out there, I was snaring jackrabbits, again gazillion, and I flushed covey after covey on the sage/cheatgrass flats near Lake Mary, and the officer housing area, about a mile in from the entrance. I don't know how they survived, and maybe the military stocked them, but they were there, and wild enough suit me! I always though I would like to hunt there, rather than the perpendicular lava slopes in Nevada!
Back in the early 70's I was at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, near Commerce City, and there were gazillion chuckars out there, I was snaring jackrabbits, again gazillion, and I flushed covey after covey on the sage/cheatgrass flats near Lake Mary, and the officer housing area, about a mile in from the entrance. I don't know how they survived, and maybe the military stocked them, but they were there, and wild enough suit me! I always though I would like to hunt there, rather than the perpendicular lava slopes in Nevada!

Things from out there GLOW in the dark!!! I have seen some huge Whitetail and Mule deer out there. I watched a 5 coyotes pin a doe against the chain link fence on the South side near the old entrance. People were stopping and in horror of what they saw and screaming "somebody do something" It was Nature at work except for the Chain link fence and most people never get to witness how cruel it is sometimes. Seen bunches of Pheasants there and use to drive the perimeter on the East side near the dog towns and find rattlers. They supposedly have it cleaned up and call it a Wildlife Sanctuary. You can take tours now and even put in for a permit to fish the ponds for huge pike. :cheers:
My neighbors have seen a few! I had a few get out that I had bought for training and they were sitting on the back fence and they were all out taking pictures of them saying how beautiful they were and asking each other if they knew what kind of bird it was, which gave me the chance to put the sneeks on it with the fishing net. They were a little in shock!! Have not talked to me since!!!! LOL!!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup:

That is freakin awesome...when I was stationed up at Elmendorf AFB up in Anchorage, AK I had some ring necks in a pen in my backyard that I had bought from a guy in town. Now back in the early 90's there wasn't any type of game bird or anything up there. Pheasants won't survive, there are ptarmigan and grouse. So I was keeping these guys (two roosters and two hens) for a good day to take out, flush em, and then shoot them with the wife. Well, they got out and I there I was walking down my street with my old yellow lab Conan and a fishing net trying to find and catch the suckers. My neighbor asks, "Greg, watcha doing?, trying to catch the pheasants that got out"....he was like, good luck. I did find them all, or I should say Conan did :10sign::thumbsup:

greg, now there are pheasants around Homer that are raising broods!! Pretty cool in my book!!1 Alaska game and fish is not pleased.