The chukar and the teal were in Thornton. Not exactly near any game farms!
someone might have bought it from a game farm/hunting preserve to work his dog and it got away from them
Back in the early 70's I was at Rocky Mountain Arsenal, near Commerce City, and there were gazillion chuckars out there, I was snaring jackrabbits, again gazillion, and I flushed covey after covey on the sage/cheatgrass flats near Lake Mary, and the officer housing area, about a mile in from the entrance. I don't know how they survived, and maybe the military stocked them, but they were there, and wild enough suit me! I always though I would like to hunt there, rather than the perpendicular lava slopes in Nevada!
My neighbors have seen a few! I had a few get out that I had bought for training and they were sitting on the back fence and they were all out taking pictures of them saying how beautiful they were and asking each other if they knew what kind of bird it was, which gave me the chance to put the sneeks on it with the fishing net. They were a little in shock!! Have not talked to me since!!!! LOL!!!!!:thumbsup::thumbsup: