President take NRA's lead to arm guards in schools

And how is this a good thing????????? The government is shut down. No:thumbsup: funding.
And how is this a good thing????????? The government is shut down. No:thumbsup: funding.

Always love your positiveness jmac
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The news is even from a 2nd amendment supportive site and you still wave it off as nothing. Do you think another 10-15 days because of a government hostage situation it's going make any difference? Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. The man does what the NRA had proposed and you still get negative.

You know, if the republicans loose this battle(shut down). It will be because of injured vets and their sob stories. That's from your FOX and Friends. A bunch of whiners, just because they got their legs blown off and need care..jeeze... blame the crippled solders. I guess the PRO lifers kicking 9 million "LIVING" mothers and babies off the WIC program and laying off 800,000 federal employee's wasn't enough. Now they have to blame the injured vets for their failure.

I know, I know..this will get ZAPPED. Ya try and post some positive news about our gun rights and the negativity just chaps my hide.
Settle down onpoint. They have the right not to agree with the black man:D You know the civil wars only been over roughly 150 years. It takes time:D
:10sign: Coot!!:thumbsup:

Rightwing? Your arguement is name calling? You had better check again pal. Many, many examples of abuses in this federal program to give low income phones. Why is it all the poor in our country who live on entitlements drive nice cars, have big screen tv with cable, have fancy jewlery, video games, money to go bar hopping, yet, taxpayers like me are fitting the bill? Bad news for them, and their supporters like you....WE ARE GETTING TIRED OF FITTING THE BILL!
Saying rightwing is considered name calling now? We're getting to sensitive now.

And by we I mean our society as a whole.
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Rightwing? Your arguement is name calling? You had better check again pal. Many, many examples of abuses in this federal program to give low income phones.

And back in 1938 you could find all kinds of negative towards the Jews in Germany. If you want to believe in bad and negative things...then you your life will be lead in that direction. One has to be intelligent enough to sift through what is fact and what is untrue negative news that has been circulated to cause damage with intent to over though those who choose to so easily be lead astray.
I just wish obama would spend as much to protect are school children as he does giving free obama phones to buy votes!

Why is it the Job of the Federal Government?
Why can't the States do the Protecting?
Why is it the Job of the Federal Government?
Why can't the States do the Protecting?

Great point OKIE,

Everything the feds touch turns to $hit. We don't need gun control, we need mental health control. We don't need cops armed at schools, we need proper parenting. We need the government to but out of our business. FREEDOM:)
Great point OKIE,

Everything the feds touch turns to $hit. We don't need gun control, we need mental health control. We don't need cops armed at schools, we need proper parenting. We need the government to but out of our business. FREEDOM:)

I agree on most of what you said. My wife is an Elementary Counselor and I could tell you many stories, but I know in your position you have also seen it first hand.

States need to Start taking control back from the Feds. Of course the taxpayers of the State must also step up and fill the void as well.