
Tree hugger, hardly. Just trying to put a little science into the why of pheasant #'s dropping.

Do not dispute yotes take pheasants. The studies show nest raiders wiping out entire clutches are a bigger problem. With sufficient habitat healthly pheasant populations will remain healthly even with predators around.

If there is healthy habitat, which we don't have as much as we use to. Agree 100% with poor habitat pheasants are more susceptable to predation. Filter strips are easier for predators to do their thing in than the bigger crp fields we use to have.
Another thing to remember is. A hen pheasant will renest several time after a nest is destroyed by predators. She will often move off a ways and have a better chance of a successful brood.
Hen pheasants killed in the Winter by hungry coyotes will not have the opportunity. A dead hen is certainly worse then a lost nest.:cheers:
Capt Coot got a yote in one yesterday. think he used a 9 iron. he was golfing and a yote walked by him after a crappy shot so he thru his club at it. he hit it and it ran off 3 legged.:cheers::cheers:
I am in the process of buying some land, that I will be closing on in a week or so.
But last night I took the dogs with me while I was doing an inspection. I had 2 coyotes trailing my pup Indy. They were not 20 yards behind and down wind of him as he was running. I called Indy and ran at them, they stopped and looked at me then loped off. Way to bold for coyotes for my tastes.

There is going to be an attitude adjustment for those coyotes after closing.
They run into peoples yards in Leawood and snatch their foo-foo dogs out of the yard while the horrified owner looks on. Finds a few pieces of hair out on the tundra and a collar as a memorial. These people who are anti-gun and usually anti-hunting are determined to stop this....with violence! What I can not believe, is the California laws, no hounds, no shooting mountain lions, even after they stalk jogger trails, and haul 100# women off to munch. I guess that is excess population, a risk you take if you live there!