Prairie Storm in stock-cheap

Any internet shoppers find 20 gauge B&P Heavy Pheasant 2 3/4" or 3" in #5's please post! Could do #6 too....
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Not saying theyre the number one shell, but almost any heavier or fast load thats plated is 22-25 bucks a box now. Agreed they arent worth 30 a box. The birds that Ive shot with PS at longer ranges are dead or at least arent running. Idk if its the pellets, the wad, tthe speed or everything combined. There have been enough to make me a believer.
And theyre available. I havent seen a Fiocchi Golden Pheasant in stock in idk how long now, other than 28 gauge.
I agree with you, they are pheasant killers and I tend to not lead enough so the faster speed is worth the price to me. They are all I use now.
Passed on some Prairie Storm 16 gauge today at our local Fleet Farm, they had about 12 boxes on hand but I thought 26 a box was a little on the high side. Still have plenty of 16 gauge ammo on hand mostly Fiocchi Golden Pheasant bought a couple of cases awhile back of those. Also have about five boxes of Browning BXD Upland in 6 shot that work very nicely.
I've had great difficulty finding Prairie Storm in 12 gauge the past 3 years now. I don't like ordering them online because of shipping costs and delays. I prefer to buy them in person. But they are virtually impossible to find. I used to find them very easily before the pandemic/civil unrest thing started in the spring of 2020.

My alternate is Wing Shok, which is essentially the same thing with standard shaped BB's instead of the saturn-style ones in Prairie Storm. Wing Shok is also very difficult to find.

Plenty of Black Cloud for waterfowl and Fiocchi Golden Pheasant every where I look. Not interested.
What is everyone's pain threshold for a box of Prairie Storm? Is $22.99 reasonable in our market today? I remember getting $5 rebate on $15.99 box in 2019 BC (Before Covid) making it $11.99.
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I just paid 23.50 a box and have paid as high as 27 a box. I guess it all depends on how bad a guy wants it.
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I've had great difficulty finding Prairie Storm in 12 gauge the past 3 years now. I don't like ordering them online because of shipping costs and delays. I prefer to buy them in person. But they are virtually impossible to find. I used to find them very easily before the pandemic/civil unrest thing started in the spring of 2020.

My alternate is Wing Shok, which is essentially the same thing with standard shaped BB's instead of the saturn-style ones in Prairie Storm. Wing Shok is also very difficult to find.

Plenty of Black Cloud for waterfowl and Fiocchi Golden Pheasant every where I look. Not interested.
And we are the opposite around here from what ive seen. Wing Shok is extremely plentiful at Scheels for 25/box. The Golden Pheasant is rare though.
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What is everyone's pain threshold for a box of Prairie Storm? Is $22.99 reasonable in our market today? I remember getting $5 rebate on $15.99 box in 2019 BC (Before Covid) making it $11.99.
I can recall it being about $16/box years ago too. Then it went to $19.99 then $22.99 to $24.99 now. If you can even find it, that is.
I've had great difficulty finding Prairie Storm in 12 gauge the past 3 years now. I don't like ordering them online because of shipping costs and delays. I prefer to buy them in person.
If you order them direct from Federal, it's usually free shipping over $100 or $150 or something. That's what I've done the last few years. I'll place an order direct from them and get free shipping then I'm good for awhile.
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I've been looking for some 16 ga. 1 oz. #8 shot for a long time. Either can't find them and if I do they are $20+ per box. That's just too much for target loads and shooting some sporting clays.
If you order them direct from Federal, it's usually free shipping over $100 or $150 or something. That's what I've done the last few years. I'll place an order direct from them and get free shipping then I'm good for awhile.
Balls. They want to charge $34.99/box for those things. And 6 shot is unavailable. Why does that not surprise me.
I just paid 23.50 a box and have paid as high as 27 a box. I guess it all depends on how bad a guy wants it.
I have fallen in love with Prairie Storm. Here is why:
  1. I have the utmost confidence in November and December when loaded up with #5/#6 Prairie Storm.
  2. I run two pointers that get me in close range the majority of the time. However, I hunt with youth or my wife a lot and often let them take the first shots. This means I might be stretching the limits.
  3. My nephews hunt a lot with me and love an uncle who buys the shells. Shooting PS insures that there is enough knockdown power for those slightly misplaced shots.
  4. No way in hell was I going to go through the stress of worrying where shells were going to be found like two years ago.
Walmart has had PS on the shelves for a few weeks that I hesitated on. This thread encouraged me to just buy go ahead and bite the bullet (no pun intended) at $22.72. They also had some #5 Federal 1 1/4 ounce for $13. Bought some of those as well. Should be set.

My wife is going to not let me hang out online with you fellas after my purchase tonight. $$$$$$$$
I have fallen in love with Prairie Storm. Here is why:
  1. I have the utmost confidence in November and December when loaded up with #5/#6 Prairie Storm.
  2. I run two pointers that get me in close range the majority of the time. However, I hunt with youth or my wife a lot and often let them take the first shots. This means I might be stretching the limits.
  3. My nephews hunt a lot with me and love an uncle who buys the shells. Shooting PS insures that there is enough knockdown power for those slightly misplaced shots.
  4. No way in hell was I going to go through the stress of worrying where shells were going to be found like two years ago.
Walmart has had PS on the shelves for a few weeks that I hesitated on. This thread encouraged me to just buy go ahead and bite the bullet (no pun intended) at $22.72. They also had some #5 Federal 1 1/4 ounce for $13. Bought some of those as well. Should be set.

My wife is going to not let me hang out online with you fellas after my purchase tonight. $$$$$$$$
I wish I could find those at our Walmart. I am beginning to feel like a hoarder but damn I don't want to use anything else. I also agree that they have the extra knock down later in the season. 6s early 5s later.
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I was fortunate to stop at Walmart at the right time. They must have just got them in. I bought 15 boxes and they had at least that many left.