Prairie chicken


Just got home from a 4 day trip to north central Kansas after chickens with my 10 month old setter Sophie. I walked average of 10 miles a day an came home with 7 birds im a happy newby to chickens. This is my second trip. Hunted mostly Wiha
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You got into quite a bit of hiking , good for man and dog !!! Did you see a decent amount of quail when you were out and about .

I hope you try again on the picture post , love to here more about your hunt , congrats . I have been out 3 times this year and covered quite a bit of ground , I left all the chickens to others .
found 5-6 coveys, farmers are saying Up 200% , chickens and pheasants down 50%.
Great job!!! Chicken hunting has become a passion for me. Tough and exciting.
Awesome, Im heading to North Central Kansas this November. My first time out there, hoping to find some Chickens! Good looking setter!!!