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A spurless rooster that we found the last week of SD season on some private land that was inaccessible by roads. Had to hike 1.5+ miles across other private land to reach the cattails. He was a big boy, but was content to hide out way back in that pothole slough, where he didn't have to fight with spurred roosters. If I ran my fingers over it, I could just feel a little bump that was different than the rough leg skin.




Already posted the photo, but this is him:

Some scenery photos, of the food variety. Scenery, mostly, from the inside of restaurants in rural North Dakota and South Dakota, during our January hunts. I have to say, pretty darn good food.

Certainly if it’s Oct. thru January, no so much April thru August. Life is trade offs, ask my friend who has been married four times.😊
I don't live in SD or even in pheasant territory in MN. But I have to drive less to get to those areas than a lot of people. Living in less populated areas isn't for everyone, but the people sure seem nice in the Dakotas. That is, if you aren't a rooster pheasant!
Midwestern NICE is real. Have encounter some special people during my hunting trips over the last 55+ years. Some friendships were
started in 1986 and still continued last fall. As the buildings get taller, the people get crazier. Attended school in a two room schoolhouse.
Have enjoyed staying out in the country in old farms houses and walking out the door with pheasants down the driveway.
Thank god I’m a country boy.