Pheasants forever question?

I helped start the "Long Spur" chapter in Norton before I moved down here. I left before we started doing projects. I have worked with Quail Unlimited here and I'm sure the projects are similar. I would focus on projects that give multi-year benefits and that focus on the limiting factor for the area being managed. Everybody loves food plots, but if you're throwing a 1-5 acre food plot into an area where 70% of the cover is crops, you're probably not doing the birds much good. Further, in order to have birds, you have to nest, brood-rear, and get them to adult age before they might use a food plot, therefore, a food plot rarely "makes" more birds; it only feeds the birds that the other habitat raises. So, projects like brood-rearing cover plantings in CRP, filter strip plantings in cropland, forb cost share in filter strip plantings, shrub plantings in CRP, brome conversion, fescue conversion, strip disking in grassland/CRP, would all make long-term benefits for the areas in question.
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I'm a member and on the board of directors for my local chapter (Black Hills Chapter) in western SD.

We are very active and are doing about 8 projects this year ranging from some limited help to private land owners(seed for food plots) to improvements on several SD GF&P game production areas. We are also active in the South Dakota Youth Hunting Adventures program. Last year the group of local conservation groups took over 70 kids on mentored hunts.

Our annual banquet is attended by 250 to 325 people each year and I would encourage everyone to join a conservation orginization maybe two or three for that matter.:)

I am on the board of directors for the minnewaska chapter.we focus on land purchase for the local area and also take a youth group to a game farm to hunt pheasants and teach them how to clean birds,ask for hunting permission the right way,how to handle a firearm .shoot some trap and eat some hotdogs.We like to work with raising the the kids with the right ethics to be responsible hunters for the future.
We are very active and are doing about 8 projects this year ranging from some limited help to private land owners(seed for food plots) to improvements on several SD GF&P game production areas..:)

SDJIM, I don't hunt in your area, but I can tell you where I do hunt the SD public hunting land it has REALLY taken a major makeover for the better thanks to the help of local Pheasant Forever chapters and others! Keep up the good work out that way.:thumbsup: Your the bench mark of habitat success:cheers: --1pheas4
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Plymouth County Chapter does a great job with the youth of our county. They are great about putting together youth hunts for the youngsters and help them get their first bird. The guys are great about bring their dogs and letting the kids see their dogs in action.

Our Chapter also helped the town of Remsen with a water project where they purchased a ton of ground on the north side of town and we planted the grasses for pheasant conservation. It is cleaning up the water now too. It was an awesome project!
Hello i am on the board for Montana's Gallatin chapter, in southwestern part of the state. Our major focus has been enhancing public hunting access opportunities and increasing quality habitat in the major pheasant population areas, in central, eastern, and northeastern part of the state.

One of our members recently started a youth mentor program, that was held over the spring, summer , and fall . Meetings were held for habitat education, dog training, target shooting, safety, and finally a preserve hunt. I really liked the idea of a long term mentoring program, not just a "SHOOT". Good luck, good to see PF members giving ideas.
Youth Mentored Hunts

Hello i am on the board for Montana's Gallatin chapter, in southwestern part of the state. Our major focus has been enhancing public hunting access opportunities and increasing quality habitat in the major pheasant population areas, in central, eastern, and northeastern part of the state.

One of our members recently started a youth mentor program, that was held over the spring, summer , and fall . Meetings were held for habitat education, dog training, target shooting, safety, and finally a preserve hunt. I really liked the idea of a long term mentoring program, not just a "SHOOT". Good luck, good to see PF members giving ideas.

Look at the SD mentored youth program. The Black Hills Chapter of PF along with the other major sportsman groups (DU, Rocky Mt. Elk, etc.) and with the SDGF&P have set up specical seasons and with landowners providing access have a great program going, one of the nice touches is its all done thru Big Brothers/Big Sisters (this gives you insurance coverage). It provides traning, the mentor goes with the youth thru hunter safety/firearms traning. So far we have provided hunting for 55 kids last year and have a goal of 75 for this year.
1pheas4 was being rather modest in his post, he just got elected chapter president, but obviously didn't want to gloat! :thumbsup:

You guys are doing a great job of reaching out to kids that wouldn't otherwise have the opportunity to get outdoors!

The Ringneck Rustlers Chapter here in Wichita KS focuses on habitat, through donations to help fund the Farm Bill Biologist positions, and on youth, through their support of my Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors program.

Being a "city" chapter, we don't have close connections with the farming community, but by supporting the FBB positions, we feel we can make the most of our habitat dollars.

Like SDJIM's chapter, we want to give disadvantaged kids the opportunity to get outdoors and learn to hunt and fish. By putting our youth dollars to work with the Pass It On - Outdoor Mentors program, we give many kids that chance.

Mike Christensen
Pass It On -Outdoor Mentors, Inc.
Hey Mike, good to see you! Been hearing plenty of good things about your youth work. Maybe we can get something going with this Kingman 7th grade Hunter's Ed Class down the road. It's still expanding in it's second year. Hope to continue it.